Are you listening to your own soul?

It never ceases to surprise me how strong people can be when there is a crisis in their lives. They often don’t know where the strength has come from. My belief is that your soul loves you and is always with you whether you are aware of it or not.

A silent inner cry of ‘Please can you help me.’ will strengthen the link between you and your soul allowing your soul to step in more easily and give you strength.

It’s great to get help when you most need it. But think how it would help your life if you used the strength and wisdom of your soul in everyday life. Your wisdom from living many past lives is held by your soul. read more

What can Mother Nature offer your well-being?

When you feel tired, jaded or upset, it’s a good time to go for a walk in nature. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple park in your area or out in the countryside, the positive affect on you will be the same.

Mother Nature has many healing properties to offer you. A wonderful blue sky with fluffy clouds scudding across it can be very uplifting. The wider horizon with greenery, can bring perspective into your life. Even if its raining, the cool drops of water falling on your skin can be invigorating. read more

How do I lead a soulful life?

There are always those things you feel you should get done but know in your heart you never will. Perhaps you agreed to arrange to meet someone you are not very keen on or its to clean out those dreaded items at the back of the wardrobe.

But what about those things that you know are important but can’t seem to get done?

How many times have you made a definite decision to do something?

There is no doubt – you are determined. Yet nothing happens. Why not?

Is your heart in agreement with your head?

You receive the promptings from your soul in your heart. Your soul encourages you to steer your life in the direction of your soul’s purpose. Time and energy spent on more mundane things in your life are of less interest to your soul. read more