Why is life so hard?

I haven’t met the person who has everything easy in their life. Even people who appear to have everything, if you follow them home, they may have a partner who isn’t kind or financial worries or other difficulties.

I believe we are meant to experience challenges and to learn how to overcome them. They are not about having big houses and fast cars but more about how we interact with other people or how you treat yourself.

How do I feel joy rather than life is all hard work?

Living a good life is often about taking pleasure from the smallest of things. read more

Are you or someone you love lonely?

On the whole, other people are not very interested in what you do. Yet naturally humans are tribal. They feel happier and safer living in groups, be it family or a community.

Are you or any of your loved ones lonely?

With population movement becoming common for career opportunities and to find affordable housing, family groups are becoming scattered.

People are becoming more dependent on community or good neighbours.

It takes time and effort for a community to form and grow. Community is not only your local area but can embrace groups of likeminded people such as an interest in yoga, football, history and many other interests. read more