Categories: ABC of loveEmotions

ABC of love: h is for home

In your home is where you re-charge your batteries for the challenges in your life. Everyone needs downtime to restore themselves. Good sleep is essential for your well-being as is time and a place for yourself.

h is for home and the feeling of security it gives you

Some say home is ‘wherever you hang your hat’ or ‘where your hearth is’.

A secure and comfortable home is a necessity for your well-being. 

Home is where you can;

  • express yourself without fear of criticism,
  • enjoy a warm and comfortable nights sleep,
  • invite friends and family to enjoy their company.

Enjoy making a home for your loved ones.  There is so much value in living in a secure, happy home.  It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children.  It does not matter the size of the home or the colour of the walls.  What is important is the feeling of love and caring given and received in a home.  Home is the backdrop to your life and without it life can be very bleak.

This post is dedicated to all of those who make a home for their loved ones.

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, please contact us here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

a is for angel            b is balance in life            c is for compassion


d is for dove             e is for emotions             f is for family


g is for guide            h is for home


i is for …. see next week’s post

Alison Wem

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