Categories: ABC of loveNature

ABC of love: i for ‘inner peace’

How do you find inner peace in a world that is constantly bombarding you with information – mobile calls, emails, texts, instant messaging.  Is it possible in the hectic 21st century to find some time and space to just ‘be’.

Many have started to practice meditation to find that elusive calmness.

What do you do if meditation is not for you?

 As is often the case Mother Nature comes to the rescue of this relatively new species, humans, to her Earth.  Let me tell you about my Dad…

My Dad was a practical, logical man and not given to spiritual practices.  He worked in a stressful job responsible for the air worthiness of aircraft for an international airline.  This was when mass air travel was relatively new and aircraft crashes were more common.  When he came home from work, before he came into the house, this is what he used to do.

After he had parked his car in the garage, my Dad would walk to the end of our garden which was quite long.  There amongst the fruit trees and his vegetable patch, he would put the stresses of the day away and enjoy just ‘being’ with nature.  He surveyed his small patch of nature which he lovingly tended and found a calmness to bring into our home.

As children we learnt to not interrupt this process as a much gentler, kinder Dad returned to us after his walk.

Walking in nature is a good way of finding your calmness.  Mother Nature is never far away, even in a city.  There are parks to walk in or failing that just turn your head upwards and look at the clouds or stars.  Nature is dynamic and always changing, just observe it without thinking about what is going on in your life.

Enjoy the beauty that is all around us and you will find your calmness.

This post is dedicated to those struggling to find their calmness.

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

a is for angel            b is balance in life            c is for compassion


is for dove             e is for emotions             f is for family


g is for guide            h is for home                  i is for inner peace


j is for …. see next week’s post

Alison Wem

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