Categories: ABC of loveMeditation

ABC of love: m is for meditation

Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the centre of consciousness within.                    Swami Rama

Typically people either follow a guided meditation which often visualizes a calm and beautiful place in nature or they focus on their breath – ‘in’ to bring in harmony, new vitality and peace, ‘out’ to release anything that is unwanted or unpleasant.

Just 5 minutes a day meditating, as part of your routine for getting up in the morning or finishing your day, can make a significant difference to your well being. For more sustained relaxation try creating a soul map and colouring it. The 7 simple to follow steps can be found here and the templates can be downloaded free from here.

Through meditation you will go within and find not more stress and chaos but a place of calmness, strength and a wisdom many do not know they have. In that calm space you can ask questions of your ‘inner you’ to help you to improve your life.

At times of stress, a simple meditation gives your brain a rest and can be almost as good as sleep. A meditation will;

  • reduce stress and promote relaxation
  • improve clarity of thinking
  • calms your emotions
  • improves focus and control.

This post is dedicated to those trying to regularly practise meditation.

I would love to hear from you. What is your view on meditation? If you have a question or want to share your views either, comment on this article or you can contact me Here I will read every comment or email and reply.

a is for angel                   b is balance in life            c is for compassion





d is for dove                   e is for emotions           f is for family






g is for guide                   h is for home                  i is for inner peace




j is for joy                         k is for kindness        l is for love






m is for meditation




n is for …. see next week’s post

I would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.


Alison Wem

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