P is for Potential – the possibility of something happening or existing, indicating hope and opportunity for the future

Reaching our spiritual potential, or potential of any kind, that is of great value to us, requires belief and faith that it is possible. We have that belief in ourselves. 

An important part of this and any journey is to love ourselves first and know we are capable of putting our minds to whatever we want to achieve. 

We all have potential!

This post is dedicated to my friend Alison who believes in my potential.

Rev. Megan C Watson

a is for angel                   b is balance in life            c is for compassion





is for dove                   e is for emotions           f is for family





g is for guide                   h is for home                  i is for inner peace





j is for joy                         k is for kindness        l is for love





m is for meditation         n is for night                o  is for oneness


p is for potential

q is for …. see next month’s post



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