Alison’s journey to publishing and teaching Soul Family – re-connecting with your ‘inner you’ for calmness and the wisdom to be found there. Latest news …


At the beginning of each term at the College of Psychic Studies we choose a card.  It is amazing, the messages are so relevant and just what I would have said to one of my project managers when they were struggling to get a project going.  I should listen to myself more often! The messages were;

  • Create a plan, lists are your friend.  Your plan will yield wonderful results.
  • Follow the logical path, it will prove correct.
  • Keep it simple and you will be fine.

I was asked “What is your elevator pitch for your book which you are trying to get published?”  What would I say in just one minute, all the detail just kept rushing through my head?  Thanks @Kat Kinnie for your wonderful website and its great ideas.  The ‘Why, how, what’ video by Simon Sinek was just perfect.  Some of my former colleges will recognise it from our leadership course.  This is what I came up with, what do you think?

“At Soul Family we seek calmness and the wisdom to be found there.  We do this by building and painting a map back to our unconscious mind, higher self or soul.  Soul Family seeks to show others how to do this.”

Post me your views, love it or hate it?

Love, Alison