Categories: Life Lessons

All relationships are a win: win

How can you say all relationships are a win:win when it might be with my manager who fired me or perhaps with a partner who left me?

Why are relationships so hard?

 Relationships are challenging as they are constantly calling you to express a better you. At work your manager might ask for an impossible deadline to be met, or at home you may have a sick partner or child. Each experience asks you to define and express who you are by how you handle each challenge. This can happen by chance or you can consciously choose who you are by how you respond to the challenge. You might;

  • work like crazy to meet the unreasonable deadline or perhaps you re-shape what has to be delivered to make the deadline reasonable.
  • prioritise a sick loved one over work commitments or you may ask another family member to hep you in your time of need.

How you work through your relationships and the challenges within them is a processes of you deciding what part of you shows up and therefore who you really are.

This process can be made easier by reflecting on your life so far. Think about the important people in your life and the relationships you have with them. What are the challenges in those relationships? Are there any life lessons you should be learning?

One of my life lessons was defining and holding my personal boundaries. At one time I would have been the person working crazy hours to meet an unreasonable deadline. When I decided that was not who I wanted to be, I learnt to manage my manager by negotiating the deliverable to meet the revised deadline. Once I learnt this lesson I could live my life according to who I wanted to be.

A Soul Map is a visualisation of your life and includes the people important to you and the life lessons you are leaning. Here is one of the templates for a soul map. The small circles represent people and the lines relationships or life lessons being learnt through that relationship.

Take control of who you want to be by consciously understanding your Soul Map. Go to to download the free templates. Learn how to design and colour your Soul Map to gain insight into yourself.

You may find there are a few surprises when you look at how you are behaving and responding to challenges. If you do not like your response or feel uncomfortable with it, it does not reflect who you want to be. By consciously choosing a different response you can work towards a higher, better you.

All relationships, failed or successful, are a win:win as they provide you with opportunities to express who you are and to learn life lessons.

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

Alison Wem

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