Do you choose to live a life or a living?

3 years ago

Life is full of choices. You are given the free will to make your own choices. Your choices affect how…

Fear is in the air: What hope is there for us?

3 years ago

When fear is all around you as it feels to be at the moment, it is easy to inadvertently absorb…

ABC of Love: o is for oneness

3 years ago

You are never really alone. Sometimes it is hard to connect with others and you feel separate and lonely. Even…

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 5

3 years ago

Greed makes man blind and foolish, And makes him an easy prey for death            …

Can great rugby and great Italian food be combined?

3 years ago

ENGLAND V SOUTH AFRICA In the final match of the series, England will play South Africa on 20 November 2021…

Are friends as important as family?

4 years ago

Family are given to you but friends you get the opportunity to choose. Family often love you unconditionally and stay…

Silence: does it help calm our brains and give well-being?

4 years ago

Many people do not value silence. I have found it to be comforting, nourishing and cosy. The noisy world is…

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 4

4 years ago

The spirit is so near that you can't see it! But reach for it... don't be a jar, full of…

Soul Centred Consciousness: Liberation from Within

4 years ago

by Jeremy Turner-Welch The way in which we locate solutions to our inner problems can drastically affect our daily lives.…

Send love to someone you cannot meet

4 years ago

I am learning from giving virtual reiki sessions over WhatsApp in lockdown London, that distance is absolutely no problem for…