Categories: Conscious MindNature

Are you in touch with your inner Wild Woman?

When people hear the word ‘wild’ many interpret it as living outside of accepted social norms. Such as staying out late, getting drunk and being that embarrassing person who dances on the tables. This is not my use of the word wild.

When I speak of finding your wild side, it doesn’t mean being out of control but rather the original meaning living a natural life that has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. I am referring to your inner feminine power with your intuitive wisdom and confidence.

A Wild Woman is full of creativity, passion and knowing.

Historically women have been taught to be restrained, demure and responsible. This has changed with the current adult generation. In some cases, it has led to excessive laddish behaviour as is often the case when something has been suppressed for centuries. But I feel the pendulum is swinging again and women are seeking a middle path where they are in touch with their inner wild feminine to provide a foundation for how they live and find their place in the world.

How do I find my inner Wild Woman?

Your Wild Woman can arrive in many different ways. It is about hearing her call and giving yourself the time and space to recognise it, savour and enjoy it.

For many it can be through a sight of great beauty – sunlight shining through green trees, a wonderful, colourful sun-set, mountains and water draped in wispy clouds. It could also be at key poignant moments in your life such as looking at your beautiful newborn child and their delicate but perfect hands.

Your wild woman will show herself and you will see her. You will see and feel her everywhere. It does help if you spend time in nature as there are many splendid things to be seen which helps to stir the feeling of your wild woman inside.

Some small children are natural lovers of nature. Cultural conditioning has yet to influence them. They know they feel good in nature and even on a rainy day will get their wellington boots and stand by the door wanting to go outside.

Feeling the rain on their skin and splashing in puddles is something everyone should experience and enjoy.

Your wild woman can come through sound as well. Music can excite your heart and resonate strongly with you. As can the written or spoken word – a story, a poem brings your wild woman to your consciousness.

The touch of your wild woman can be transient. Here it is and then it’s gone. But you won’t forget her and you will want to seek her out. Being with other people who are similarly, those seeking her or have found her, will excite you to keep going.

As a psychic, I use all sorts of mediums to receive messages. I love working with stones and crystals. My wild woman reminded me to seek her out by appearing as a wolf on a lovely white stone I owned. She was reminding me that there are many similarities between the wild woman in you and wolves. Both are considered to be devious, sometimes overly aggressive and of less value. In truth, both are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned for their young, partner and family. At the same time, they are playful, sensing and devoted.

In allowing your wild woman to show herself in your life brings many good skills which can enhance how you live. The world is now ready in many countries to allow women to consciously live with their wild woman. Seek her out and learn to live with her.

Your wild woman can make a great contribution to a better world.

Alison Wem

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