It never ceases to surprise me how strong people can be when there is a crisis in their lives. They often don’t know where the strength has come from. My belief is that your soul loves you and is always with you whether you are aware of it or not.

A silent inner cry of ‘Please can you help me.’ will strengthen the link between you and your soul allowing your soul to step in more easily and give you strength.

It’s great to get help when you most need it. But think how it would help your life if you used the strength and wisdom of your soul in everyday life. Your wisdom from living many past lives is held by your soul.

You can access your wisdom via your soul.

When you have to decide something, do you get a feeling inside which lets you know what is right for you? It has come into our language as a ‘hunch’ or a ‘gut feeling’ and many other colloquialisms.

This is your intuition working, the language of your soul.

It is often felt in your heart area. When your intuition is working, many people without thinking about it place their hand on their heart. This increases the alignment between your heart and your brain, helping you interpret the messages you are receiving. When you allow your soul to speak, people hear the authenticity and wisdom in the words. You will get a much better listening to what you are saying.

Are you listening to your soul?

For many years I talked to a guide deep inside of me. We were great companions and together experienced and navigated our way through the ups and downs of life. I can’t remember a time without him. Then I found out he was actually my own soul. It would explain the depth of our relationship. It was then that I realised:

My soul is me and I am my soul.

We make a great duo. Having him in my life makes me feel good and enriches the life I lead.

If you call out to your soul, your soul will answer.

The best place to connect with your soul is that deep quiet space within. Go there to get to know your soul. Then consciously chat to your soul during your day, much as you would a friend. Ask their advice and feel their answer. See if it turs out to be good advice regardless of whether you took it. Over time you will come to trust your soul.