Why is my life and those in it so difficult?

Life is a journey we all make whether it is consciously or unconsciously. While you may feel your life is out of control or more difficult than other people’s life, you have more control and influence over your life than perhaps you realise.

See your life as a train carriage and you are the conductor who decides who comes into your carriage. Of course, when you are young, you need people to take care of you. But as you grow, you gain strength as the conductor of your life.

The choices you make today will reflect the life you enjoy or perhaps endure tomorrow. read more

Meet change in the workplace half way: experiment, be flexible, embrace

We are in a period of significant change in the workplace. Digital tools and data-driven decision making are even impacting a simple author, spiritual teacher and public speaker like me!

From my days in corporate life, I know it is important to embrace change rather than to hide from it.

What are the changes and what should I be doing about them?

Don’t get left behind and be in the hard position of having to catch-up. This is much harder than taking each change as it come towards you. When times get financially hard in your business, it is always tempting to cut the training budget as it appears not to be customer or bottom line affecting. With so much change happening in the workplace, this is not the time to do it. Those who invest will get greater productivity, more team engagement and make better decisions which all leads to a better bottom line. read more

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 13

I have been a seeker and I still am,

But I stopped asking the books and the stars.

I started listening to the teaching of my soul.

Jalal al-Din Rumi

We are much wiser than we often realise. By getting to know yourself better, you will meet your soul.

In the silence and peace of my inner landscape, I met my soul. I realised I had been talking with her for years but didn’t realise who she was. She has been a consistent companion in good times and bad. She is my greatest friend, objective rather than emotional and a wise and compassionate person. I need to listen to her more…. read more

What is the true cost of war on children, families, loved ones?

As a mother of an adult son, it concerned me when I read that the UK are sending British troops to the Ukraine. Of course, we need to support the Ukraine but I’m glad our troops are training Ukrainian solders rather than being in active combat.

I am very nervous about an escalation in the conflict resulting in more countries becoming involved and our young going to fight in foreign countries.

Is that selfish and wrong of me?

It breaks my heart when I read about Ukrainian solders returning to their families with life affecting injuries or worst still not at all. read more

Conscious Dreaming: a unique nine step approach to understanding your dreams

Robert Moss is the author of Conscious Dreaming. I have only recently found his work and I find it fascinating. I do have some dreams which I capture in my Daily Journal. Intuitively I have learnt to write them up and allow more information to arrive as I do so. Then to re-read them looking for their meaning in my current life today or for possibilities in the future.

However Robert Moss takes dreaming to a whole new level. He offers processes and techniques to make my dreaming much more rich, deeper and faster. He encourages you to work with someone else so you can tell them the story of your dream, and the other person can add more meaning to it by saying ‘If this was my dream….’ It is such fun to do and makes the spiritual journey much less lonely. read more

Music to uplift your soul

I had the pleasure of meeting Bridget Wolf. She is lively and fun plus a lady of many talents. Music was her original love but this has now blossomed into many spiritual gifts including healing and giving messages from past loved ones.

I love her music and find it very uplifting. Have a listen and see for yourself. The one that makes me feel really good is Life is Precious. It really resonates with my soul and reflects my views on life being a gift. I have downloaded it so I can listen to it again whenever I want to. read more