Creating Your Soul Map; e-book launched

NB; Instructions on obtaining the Kindle reader app is at the end of this article.

Thank you everybody who pre-ordered my book on Amazon.  I really appreciate your support in helping me to get the mighty Amazon engine working for me.

When I uploaded the book it was number 56,342 in my genre!  Wow now that is a challenge to get the book seen.  Just through the pre-orders this moved to number 20,335.  How good is that!!

If you have not looked at the book, now is your chance.  The book is fully launched so you can use the Amazon ‘look inside’ facility to sample the first chapter.  Creating Your Soul Map provides techniques to know yourself better and to build your personal calmness so you can operate more effectively at work and at home.  It is a short book which introduces these new techniques, the background on the templates to aid choosing and gets you started. read more

Your Abundance: crucial tips you are not told


You all want to feel rich in love, truth and joy.  You want your loved ones to experience it too.  Can you teach yourself and your children how to attract abundance, to have your heart’s desire?

Teaching your children to manifest their desires

Every thought and action you take is based in either love or fear;

  • I say late at work for fear of my boss saying I had not accomplished enough.
  • I work hard to ensure the family I love is well provided for.

You can teach yourself to live your life from a position of love rather than fear.  Much of it is a mindset rather than a dramatic change in lifestyle.

We should provide children with opportunities to experience life from a position of love.  School Harvest Festival is a great example of this.  The children bring in simple gifts of food preferably ones which they have helped to pick or grow. read more

Managing yourself for a happier life: the 3 Ds

Meditation is good for learning to go within, find a calmness and re-connect with your sub-conscious mind, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs.  I call it my ‘inner you’ as there is a familiarity with yourself.  Meditation is refreshing.  Afterwards your body feels less tense and your conscious mind clearer.  I often have my best thoughts after a meditation.  Meditation is almost as good as sleep and definitely a friend if you feel jaded and tired.

When you have made regular meditation part of your life and learnt to remain still for 20 minutes, what should you expect?  Most people are seeking a happier life, but what makes for a happier life? read more

Your Soul Family: choose the cover for the next book

I would really appreciate your views on which cover to choose for my next book Finding Your Soul Family.

Here is the first book, still in the process of being published.

I am building a series of books which progresses you through the Your Soul Family (YSF) techniques to achieve a greater understanding of yourself and your life, plus personal development through accelerated learning of life lessons.  With this personal development comes calmness, harmony and wisdom.

I would like the book covers to reflect this journey through life and the increased awareness from self to being part of an eternal soul family. Your chakra colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, mauve reflects the communications you are having with your soul family and your personal development.  You have all achieved red as you are living a life in a physical body and managing to feed, clothe and house yourself. read more

Your Soul Family – one year old

Your Soul Family – one year old!

Next week it will be a year since I left my corporate job to pursue Your Soul Family (YSF). My aim is to help others find a calmness and sense of completeness for a happier life using YSF techniques.  YSF helps you to take an honest look at yourself, to explore your inner wisdom in order to guide where you want to go.

I left work with what I thought was a publishing ready book and a publisher showing interest in it.  My year has taken many twists and turns with some highs and lows… It certainly has not been boring; in fact I have learnt so much and am continuing to learn.  This really is a whole new career. read more