Justice in your heart

For justice to be true, it must sit comfortably in your heart.  When justice is compromised our minds try to rationalize the outcome as good.  In difficult circumstances it is too easy to listen to your head rather than your heart.

Look at how children interact.  For them right and wrong is viewed from a beautifully simplistic point of view.  We were all children once and each of us should try to bring this approach back into our adult lives.  Not sure if you are being true to yourself?  Stand back a moment when a difficult decision has to be made and listen to the messages from your heart.  It will make the world a better place.

Creativity and emotions

Creativity – an expression of the soul within us all

Art, music, poetry all play with our emotions of sadness, laughter etc. and are found in all countries and all cultures; expressed from our hearts rather than our heads, it reflects our ‘inner you’.

The Who, Hyde Park, London 2015

The Who, Hyde Park, London 2015

At a concert in Hyde Park, London, UK I was struck by the backdrops of light and images the bands had chosen. The Who in particular had a grand display of psychedelic patterns and images. Perhaps the musicians, who are highly creative and strongly connected to their ‘inner you’, have half remembered memories of life between lives. read more

Meet Wang, a Tibetan monk

Recently I met a Tibetan monk called Wang.  He is a man with great humour and wisdom.  I do not have a picture of him but I think of him as in the picture of the Tibetan monk in this article.

In the Tibetan culture Wang means empowerment. An empowerment is a ritual which initiates a student into a particular practice. A tantric practice is not considered effective until a master has transmitted the corresponding Wang (power) of the practice directly to the student. As part of the preliminary practices before a student even begins the actual practices, the teacher introduces the student to the ‘mandala’ of the deity. read more

Alison’s Light

Alison’s journey to publishing and teaching Soul Family – re-connecting with your ‘inner you’ for calmness and the wisdom to be found there. Latest news …


At the beginning of each term at the College of Psychic Studies we choose a card.  It is amazing, the messages are so relevant and just what I would have said to one of my project managers when they were struggling to get a project going.  I should listen to myself more often! The messages were;

Think the best of people

Best of people

Do not listen to gossip about people.  It diminishes both yourself and them.  Always think the best of an individual unless proven otherwise.  People will respond to your faith in them and give of their best to you.  Then both you and they are the better for it.

Dedicated to my mother and the wonderful two little boys in our family who represent the next generation arriving.