Categories: Life Lessons

Balance: gaining perspective for a happy, healthy life

Balance in all you do is a key driver for enjoying your life.  Many ask,

“How do I balance my work and home lives?”

Many of us struggle with this throughout our lives.  Even in retirement, with the increasing trend of grandparents looking after the children of their working off-spring, balance can be a challenge.

Perspective; to get the most our of life you need a body and mind that are fresh, alert and ready for the next new thing in your life.

  • Body; as the saying goes ‘you are what you eat’.  Healthy, nutritious food with plenty of water and enough sleep promotes good health.
  • Mind; try to keep a curiosity in the world and the environment around you.  Staying current is key to staying young.  The saying that you ‘cannot teach old dogs new tricks’ is wrong.  No mind need be old even if the body becomes a little frail.

My father-in-law even in his late 90s was up-to-date with the world and interested in what his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were doing.  He never said ‘in my day….’ as today is his day as much as his family’s.  Everyone loved him for it and were keen to visit him to enjoy some good conversation.  His mind was curious and educated in today’s world.  In fact he introduced my husband to Face time! He is my role model for when I get older as I have seen how his approach to life makes such a difference to what you experience in your life.

Everyone of us can and should be in control of the balance in our life.

You need to define what ‘life balance’ means to you.

Your choices in this definition dramatically affects how you behave and experience your life. You really do get to choose what your life looks like. The more you question your choices and make them more consciously, the nearer you will get to your heart’s desires and a life you enjoy.

Do make sure your definition pleases you. 

If not, work towards changing it.

I would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to provide feedback, drop a comment against this article or email me at

Alison Wem

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