How do you choose the best New Year resolutions?

1 year ago

We have entered the last month of the year! Traditionally you might give yourself some New Year resolutions on what…

Where do you go when you die?

1 year ago

This is a big question many have asked over the centuries. As people grow older or are seriously ill, it…

War: How do we find peace?

1 year ago

I am writing this article to you on Armistice Day when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of…

Why is my life and those in it so difficult?

1 year ago

Life is a journey we all make whether it is consciously or unconsciously. While you may feel your life is…

Meet change in the workplace half way: experiment, be flexible, embrace

1 year ago

We are in a period of significant change in the workplace. Digital tools and data-driven decision making are even impacting…

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 13

1 year ago

I have been a seeker and I still am, But I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started…

What is the true cost of war on children, families, loved ones?

1 year ago

As a mother of an adult son, it concerned me when I read that the UK are sending British troops…