Be the change…..

6 years ago

You must be the change you want to see in the world- Mahatma Gandhi When you alter your thoughts, change…

Happiness: can you sustain the feeling of joy

6 years ago

We all want to be happy. As a parent, the greatest gift is for your child to be happy. But…

Psychic Fair, Sunday 9th June – Chessington, Surrey

6 years ago

There are lots of things you can try – tarot, angel cards, dowsing, crystals, healing and much more. If you…

Irene Gloux: Spirit Art workshop

6 years ago

What a fantastic workshop Irene gave on using spirit art to understand who is trying to communicate with us and…

3 tips to silence your internal critical voice

6 years ago

We all have an inner voice which many of us chat to for years without know who they are. I…

ABC of Love: n is for night

6 years ago

Sometimes we need to go into the dark to find the Light. The Light is always with you but sometimes…

Families who eat together stay together

6 years ago

Its is Spring Bank Holiday in the UK so it seemed right to talk about families and how we can…