Think the best of people

8 years ago

  Do not listen to gossip about people.  It diminishes both yourself and them.  Always think the best of an…

Giving & receiving love

8 years ago

Love is such a powerful emotion Love heals, makes you laugh and generally make life worth living. Loving is for…

Dalai Lama on anger

8 years ago

What can anger do to us? "Like anyone else, I too have anger in me. However, I try to recall…

Exploring sound as an energy

8 years ago

Chanting meditation: is sound an energy that can be used to increase our connection to the 'inner you', our families, our…

Eyes: are they the windows to our souls?

8 years ago

You can see our emotions in our eyes Others can feel our emotions like love, anger, honesty. They can also…

Are we connected to one another?

8 years ago

Can someone else read your emotions?     20th century man was adamant that each person was an island and we lived…

Soul Family workshop

8 years ago

Finding your Soul Family through painting your Soul Map Workshop – Sunday 27th November, Notting Hill Gate, London W2 4NY…