Irene Gloux: Spirit Art workshop

What a fantastic workshop Irene gave on using spirit art to understand who is trying to communicate with us and to receive some messages. No artistic skills were needed. However we all managed to draw portraits which looked life like and recognisable by ourselves or the person we were working with.

We did other exercises looking at ourselves from different perspectives, our energy over our lifetime, our aura and sunsets with messangers and messages. Everyone created beautiful pictures which were meaningful to themselves. read more

3 tips to silence your internal critical voice

We all have an inner voice which many of us chat to for years without know who they are. I like to call it my ‘Inner You’. Others call it a different name depending on their beliefs – sub-conscious, higher self, soul. I like ‘Inner You’ as it is more familiar and is also secular.

How do you find your Inner You? It can be your greatest friend, always with you in good times and bad. Yet many of you experience your inner voice as highly critical which can affect your self-esteem and erode your self-confidence so that you do not feel able to act. read more

ABC of Love: n is for night

Sometimes we need to go into the dark to find the Light.

The Light is always with you but sometimes in the day time you cannot see it.

During our lives we will all experience a dark night. It may be through loosing someone or something we love or perhaps illness or financial worries.

Your Light can arrive in may forms. A few kind words of encouragement or perhaps a helping hand may arrive bringing you light in your darkest moments.

The greatest Light you can shine in your dark night is ‘self love’. It can bring encouragement, hope, self-assurance or just a knowing that you will get through your dark night and arrive in a lighter place. read more

Families who eat together stay together

Its is Spring Bank Holiday in the UK so it seemed right to talk about families and how we can improve the time we spend together. My observation is there are many benefits from families who eat together.

In our busy 21st century lives, there is a trend towards families eating their meals from trays watching TV rather than sitting to a table and facing each other.  Likewise teenagers, if allowed, will take their food and eat in their bedrooms.

Eating a meal at a table together as a family strengthens the family bond.  Over the meal conversation will flow backwards and forwards between parents, between parents and children.  By sharing their day’s news, family members are more involved with each others lives.  This gives opportunities to support one another and for parents to guide a child. read more

Spirit art: would you like to give it a try?

When you have sat with a medium and been given a message from a passed loved one, have you ever wondered if it is authentic?  Many people do and they are right to be cautious as there are charlatans who put themselves forward as a medium.

What better way to checkout your message than to ask the medium to draw a picture of who is bringing you the message. Of course the message could come from a loved one or even perhaps a guide.  Sometimes you may not recognise the person and you take the picture away wondering who the person is.  Time often tells you the answer. read more

3 tips on keeping positive about your life

How does life feel to you?

Are you feeling a little down about life, comparing yourself unfavourably with others or curious about ideas to make life better?

Alison Wem offers 3 tips on how you can look at your life from a more positive perspective. Just knowing the tips can help you to feel more in control of your life. For many feeling their life is not their own can be a depressing thought.

Start to change that today by taking a step towards consciously steering your own life. It can be a liberating feeling. You are never too old or too young to try something new. read more

Little in life is perfect: can ‘good enough’ be alright?

Are you seeking perfection in your life? Perhaps the perfect relationship, perfect children, dream job or the perfect spring day.….

It is hard going to be perfect in everything. In trying to be perfect, it can in itself cause your life to be less than perfect. So is it alright to be ‘good enough’ in some aspects of your life?

Listen to Alison Wem’s live broadcast on ‘Little in life is perfect: can ‘good enough’ be alright…’ She gives some perspective on living life and perfection. Learn the 80/20 rule and how it might apply to your life. read more