All in life is not what it seems….

Have you ever made a fool of yourself and wondered how it happened?

We are all trying to do the best we can in our lives but sometimes it does not feel good enough. Need some encouragement?

Listen to Alison Wem’s live broadcast on ‘All in life is not what it seems…’ She gives some encouragement and strategies in coping with the ups and downs of life.

Watch here

If you relate to the video and need some more help and guidance in your life? Get in touch with Alison. Here are the contact details. read more

Why should I create my Soul Map?

Do you have a busy life or feel stressed or anxious? Soul Maps are good for finding your calmness.

The aim of Soul Maps is to;

  • Examine the life lessons and relationships in your life and with that knowledge you can build a holistic picture of yourself and your life.
  • Enhance your conscious awareness of yourself and put you back in touch with your ‘Inner You’, some call it your sub-conscious, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs.
  • Helps your sub-consciousness to guide you in your personal development. It can be used in meditation to assist with hearing messages from your ‘Inner You’.

So what does a Soul Map look like?

Here are some examples of a Soul Maps.


Soul Maps are secular in nature but use geometric shapes that are found in many cultures, religions and nations.

Geometry is a universal language that enables you to unlock knowledge contained in your subconscious about the true nature of yourself.  Often there are things about yourself that you sort of know but they are not fully apparent to your conscious you.  There are exercises you can do to make more explicit these things about yourself. read more

Bloggers: can your posts be written by a robot?

Hello fellow bloggers,

I came across this article, Artifical Intelligence Can Now Write Amazing Content – What does it Mean For Humans? by Bernard Marr who is a Big Data and AI guru. It is a well written article. Have a read and see what you think.

As an independent blogger, I feel it gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts and approach to life in the hope it will make other people’s life easier. I am sure you may be the same or looking to entertain and make life more fun.

Have a read of this article and let me know if you think a robot can replace the human emotions we experience which often inspires an author’s writing. Can they learn to demonstrate empathy? They seem to be learning to mimic many human behaviours. read more

Soul Maps: what are they?

Personal development is about improving your skills and strengthening your relationships at home and at work.

But how do you go about doing this?

21st Century people lead busy lives, there is little space to contemplate and just ‘be’. Meditation helps to calm the noisy chatter of the mind to create the space to just ‘be’ and connect with your ‘Inner You’.  

But when I have found my calm space, what do I do with it?

Soul Maps go beyond the meditative state and in that calm space you can ask a question, such as; read more

Alison Wem’s 2019 Psychic Mediumship Demonstrations in London

2019 sees a number of public demonstrations of psychic mediumship by Alison Wem.

If you are considering joining one of Alison’s workshops, foundation classes, or having a one-to-one session but still undecided, perhaps attending a public demonstration would be a good first step.

Alison is available to meet with you after the demonstration.

College of Psychic Studies

College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2EB

2nd April, 6.30pm Gerrie Marsh’s student demonstration

12th April, Spring Open Evening, 4.30pm to 9pm – FREE sitting with Alison Wem at 6pm read more

Does life look greener on the other side of the fence?

Should you make the jump to get the other side of the fence and enjoy the new, lush pasture?

In this broadcast Alison Wem gives 3 tips on evaluating whether to make the leap over your fence, whatever your fence is.

Learn to take action from a position of knowledge and wisdom rather than a whimsical desire for change.

Listen to Alison Wem here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more

Writing for an hour a day is great for your well-being

I went to the London Book Fair this week with our guest author, Menaca Joji. We met some wonderful people; authors, publishers, agents, IngramSparks and Amazon people, marketers and the list goes on…..

All love words, be it written, spoken, digital or in print. However what I found so encouraging was the passion these people felt for their profession and how willing they were to share hints and tips on how to get your work to market. Thank you to everyone who gave us some guidance over the last three days, presenters, masterclass panelists and attendees. All is gratefully received. read more