Do you look at your life with hope or dispair?

Listen to Alison Wem’s discussion on the role despair and hope can play in your life.

It is often during the most difficult times in our lives that we learn the most about our selves and how we interact with others. Hope is a very powerful emotion. Alison discusses her belief on the impact it can have on your life and the life experience you create for yourself.

View the video here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more

Woman to Woman

I received the following from Menaca Joji, a friend and colleague who has written guest articles for Your Soul Family’s Life and Living blog. She received it from her Mum who lives in Sri Lanka. We both loved it. We do not know who wrote it so I am afraid I am unable to credit them. However we have followed their request to share it. We are very grateful for being reminded of all that is good in our lives.

Someone will always be prettier.

Someone will always be smarter.

Someone’s house will be bigger. read more

Finding Your Soul Family – A Guide to Personal Development: has now arrived!

As one of the Your Soul Family community you have been on this journey with me to get this book out for people to read. You have inspired me to write this book, some of you are the student examples used to aid clarity and understanding. It was a poll of this group which chose the cover design and some great people have read the advance copy to provide reader feedback.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution. I could not have done it without you. As a team of one, it is great to get some additional input to help my thinking and outlook. I am rather childishly excited and a little nervous at sending this book out into the world. It feels like sending your child to school for the first time hoping all will be well. read more

Can science and mysticism come together?

If you are like me, there will be people in your life whose values and beliefs are science and measurement based. Everything has to have a rationale and process rather than just accepting something and being. They might find your spiritual views and practices uncomfortable and perhaps a little strange.

I was heartened to read this article on Albert Einstein, a famous scientist, who seems to have been more spiritual than many realise. He recognises that we could never fully understand the workings of the world within the limitations of the human mind. Experiencing the universe as a harmonious whole, he encouraged the use of intuition to solve problems, marvelled at the mystery of God in nature, and applauded the ideals of great spiritual teachers such as Buddha and Jesus. read more

Soul Map readings and Spirit Art pictures

My friend Irene Gloux and I are going the Big Purple Psychic & Holistic Fair next Saturday 24th February.

I am so excited as it’s my first fair and I am looking forward to meeting lots of people and giving them a Soul Map reading. It would be great to meet you. Irene is experienced at fairs and has been invited to give demonstrations, in recognition of her talent as an artist and psychic medium skills. She has a lovely sense of humour and a big smile for everyone. Both Soul Map readings and Spirit art are means of providing intuitive life guidance for a happier and healthier life. read more

Ever felt everything is going wrong? 3 tips to improve your life

Ever had a time when everything you do seems to go wrong?

I know I have, and often I have no knowledge why this should be. When the flow of life is not working for you, I have found you are either doing the wrong things or approaching life in the wrong way. One of my problems is that sometimes I just try too hard! When I do this I get too tired and make mistakes. They can be small mistakes but they can have a BIG impact – like how I have spoken to someone and then I lose their co-operation. I seem to make mountains which I then have to climb. I get so cross with myself. read more