Gregg Braden challenges the facts behind the origin of man proposed by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Presented in a logical fashion Gregg discusses how recent scientific evidence disputes mans’ origin being a chance made through the survival of the strongest.

Are we human by design, appearing on earth some 200,000 years ago with an advanced brain, nervous system and capabilities that set us apart from earlier forms of life?

When you think of us being designed by an alien intelligence many will think of Star Wars and other Sci-fi films where the aliens feel very unlike us. Many think of God, whichever your religion, as loving, intelligent, fatherly and caring who made us in his own design. This means we can feel and express emotions plus we can connect with others and show compassion. The Law of One, a text channelled by a higher consciousness in the 1970s, also expresses similar ideas.

As scientists understand our bodies more, they are discovering that the heart does more than act as a pump. It also has some brain cells and communicates with other organs in the body. This brain is now being recognised by researchers. Beyond its role in a number of physical functions, it also supports metaphysical functions in humans. Metaphysics philosophy being the nature of our existence and reality. Gregg discusses humans capabilities such as heart based wisdom, intuition, intentional self-healing and enhanced learning. These are exciting proposals well worth investigating further.  We have all experienced someone speaking to us from the heart, the messages are more powerful, believable and trusted. This I believe is heart based wisdom .

Many of the ideas in this book are found in multiple ancient cultures’ philosophy and heritage. The western world seems to have lost touch with this heart wisdom as we moved into the modern, scientific age of measurement. However in some ways science is only now catching up or rather re-connecting with this ancient knowledge.

Gregg goes on to discuss the purpose of life, how we are naturally wired to connect to one another, we only destroy what we do not value and the power of self-worth.

Read this book with an open mind and heart. Even if you do not believe in a God, think of this intelligent designer with the same characteristics of a loving God.  This book, in my view, is not one big read.  There is a lot to digest and think about in one topic before you move to the next. I read Human by Design for half an hour each night before I went to sleep. I then had all night to consider the content. It was surprising the insight I found in the shower the next morning.



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