Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories
Brian Weiss took the lead in bringing past life regression into popular understanding. A therapist by profession, he withstood potential ridicule from his profession in speaking out about the healing abilities of remembering your past lives. He took the conversation from scepticism towards reincarnation, particularly in the west, to a belief in it by many so having a profound effect worldwide.
The messages these past life memories bring are what you need to hear for where you are a this moment of time in your present life. They often remind you of similar challenges to those you face today which you have overcome before or skills you may have forgotten which would assist your life today.
Hope, love and compassion are common themes in the messages.
Miracles Happen is a collection of short stories from attendees of Brian Weiss’s workshops. They highlight the healing brought by remembering a past life and often bring understanding of a phobia in this life being a hangover of a past life trauma.
I found this to be a book you pick up and put down, reading a few stories and then reflecting on them. While it is a gentle read, it repeatedly provides evidence of the existence of past lives. This book makes for excellent bedtime reading and sets you up in the right frame of mind for a good nights sleep.