Categories: Life Lessons

Can love endure a life changing personal injury?

You might think that you have to do something unusual to result in a life changing injury. This is not always the case. 

I recently met a man whose wife was caring for their infant son. Lets call them John and Jen for anonymity. Jen bent over to lift her child out of the playpen and her life was never the same again. The young Mum damaged her back so severely she had to have multiple operations to try to repair it. Sadly none of the operations were a true success. They arrested her reduced mobility for a while but now 10 years down the line and in her 40s, Jen is confined to a wheelchair.

Unable to care for her child alone, Jen had to rely on family, friends and social services to aid in the physical demands of raising a child.  Her husband, an engineer, moved his career and job from being site based to office based. His office is a spare room in their home. He is not actively involved with Jen and his son during the day as he is working. However he is there if needed should arrangements go wrong or an upset happen.

How does love endure when one partner is injured? Love can be based on many things but mutual respect and valuing the contribution each person makes to a relationship are key for resilience and long-term love. For Jen a few discs damaged in her back had a catastrophic effect, but she is still the lovely lady she always was. John is the most positive person I have met in a long time and has adapted how they live and raise their child to cope with Jen’s restrictions.

Being flexible is key to handling any change no matter how big or small it is.  I am sure John and Jen have learnt a lot about themselves and their relationship in the last 10 years. Finding joy, in a life situation radically changed from what you had expected it to be, can be a challenge. Life and our relationships are key areas of learning to reach our true destiny by achieving our greatest potential. You do not have to be an explorer or a celebrity to do this. Being a loving partner, parent or son/daughter is all you need to be.

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

Alison Wem

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