ABC of love: p is for potential

P is for Potential – the possibility of something happening or existing, indicating hope and opportunity for the future

Reaching our spiritual potential, or potential of any kind, that is of great value to us, requires belief and faith that it is possible. We have that belief in ourselves. 

An important part of this and any journey is to love ourselves first and know we are capable of putting our minds to whatever we want to achieve. 

We all have potential!

This post is dedicated to my friend Alison who believes in my potential. read more

ABC of Love: o is for oneness

You are never really alone. Sometimes it is hard to connect with others and you feel separate and lonely.

Even when someone passes, communication is possible. Loving one another and having a desire to connect increases the clarity.

Ask a simple question and wait for the response.

Be alert to receive the message in whatever way it choses to arrive – the words of a song on the radio, a bill board, a knowing, a feeling…..

This post is dedicated to my friend and her family who are remembering we are one. read more

ABC of Love: n is for night

Sometimes we need to go into the dark to find the Light.

The Light is always with you but sometimes in the day time you cannot see it.

During our lives we will all experience a dark night. It may be through loosing someone or something we love or perhaps illness or financial worries.

Your Light can arrive in may forms. A few kind words of encouragement or perhaps a helping hand may arrive bringing you light in your darkest moments.

The greatest Light you can shine in your dark night is ‘self love’. It can bring encouragement, hope, self-assurance or just a knowing that you will get through your dark night and arrive in a lighter place. read more

ABC of love: m is for meditation

Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the centre of consciousness within.                    Swami Rama

Typically people either follow a guided meditation which often visualizes a calm and beautiful place in nature or they focus on their breath – ‘in’ to bring in harmony, new vitality and peace, ‘out’ to release anything that is unwanted or unpleasant. read more

ABC of love: l is for love

Love comes in many shapes and forms

Whenever anyone speaks of love they are often referring to romantic love between two people. I believe that love is infinite and can come in many forms. If romantic love was the only form of love, it would be quite exclusive and in limited quantities. It would be a hard world with only this type of love available to give and receive.

Fortunately for us love comes in many forms – parental, family, friends, pets, yourself. All of the important people in your life are available for you to love. In my view love is infinite and the more of it in your life, the richer it will be. Some people believe that you cannot possibly love a step or adopted child as much as a biological child. I disagree with this view. I think the choice is yours to decide how much you open your heart to love a person. read more

ABC of love: k is for kindness

A little kindness goes a long way

Making your way in the world can be tough. I hear young people concerned about their careers, finding a partner or feeling left behind if their friends have married, bought a house or started a family. Others may have a sick child or a partner or be concerned they may lose their job. Older people can worry about approaching retirement and what it will mean to them.

There are so many worries about just living…..

Worries can lessen and seem more manageable with a little kindness from a loved one, a friend or even a stranger. Just talking about a worry can help. Providing an attentive, listening ear is a kindness. Being kind does not cost anything other than thoughtfulness and time. Words can be very healing. A few kind words of support can make a world of difference to the recipient. A thoughtful action, such as making someone a cup of tea at the end of a working day, can make the person feel loved and cared for. read more

ABC of love: j is for joy

Experiencing Joy.

The sight and the sound of the sea always lifts my emotions and makes me feel good. Simple things like this brings me joy.

Are you Following Your Dreams?

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Everyone should have a dream of how they would like their life to be.  Dreams are made to be followed.

To enjoy your life to the full, it is important to take some steps, no matter how small they are, to achieving your dreams.

This post is dedicated to those struggling to find joy. read more

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