Soul development

Great article by Richard Barrett on how humans go through various stages of flourishing their soul.

Richard Barrett FRSA. Richard is an author, speaker and internationally recognised thought leader on the evolution of human values in business and society. He is the founder and chairman of the Barrett Values Centre. He is also a Fellow of the World Business Academy, Member of the Council of the Centre for Integral Wisdom, Honorary Board Member of the Spirit of Humanity Forum, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. read more

Emotional energy as a colour

In an earlier post we spoke of anger being an energy which some people can feel.  As we develop and increase our conscious awareness, people start to see emotions as colours.

Emotional energy can also express an intention.  The intention can relate to a person, group of people such as a class, a nation or even a planet.

For those with sufficient conscious awareness, the intention can be felt or seen as a colour.  To develop this level of awareness, you repeatedly practice feeling and understanding this energy initially on an individual person.  When this skill has been achieved, it is possible to develop the ability to interpret intentions emanating from a group. read more

Our Changing World: Contribute to it being a calmner place

2017 has brought in lots of change for all of us.  On the world stage political leaders are changing, Brexit is being progressed, even Mother Earth is feeling change.  There is much debate on whether there is climate change in process but it is a fact that glaciers and the artic ice is melting.  So something is changing.

Relief of finding calmness

Sometimes life’s challenges feel overwhelming.  Challenges are opportunities to learn life lessons.  They are not meant to be so hard that they break you, but they are meant to be ‘challenging’.  This is sometimes needed to get you to listen.

When you feel overwhelmed; step back, take a few deep breadths and re-assess the situation you find yourself in.  Listening to the calm, rationale voice within you.  It can be enlightening.  You will be surprised at how objective and fair that voice is.  However it can take some diligence to hear the voice over your anger, frustration or fear. read more

Angels and feathers

It is said that when an angel visits you they leave a feather behind so you know they have been. I have not experienced this, that is until last week.

I keep a Post It pad near me at home to capture thoughts that come to me for this blog. Recently the ideas have been slow in coming and my post its were sadly empty. I sent out a little request for ideas but none seemed to be forth coming. I came home from work and there was a beautifully formed feather sitting on the top of my pad. Lets see what arrives in the coming weeks. read more

Gyhldeptis brings calmness

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Gyhldeptis – Native American Goddess of the forest. Honoured by the Haida and Tlingit tribes in Alaska and Canada. Known as the coastal forest Goddess with long hair. Her name means “Lady Hanging Hair” representing the long moss hanging from the cedar trees. Protector of the forest and also seen as the spirit of the trees.

Gyhldeptis helps in times of stress and chaos. She assists in calming us and brings us back to our centre. Gyhldeptis reminds us of the calm flowing river. She teaches us to stay calm and focused, to step back and re-evaluate our situation. Call on Gyhldeptis when you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Walking in the woods or near to nature helps with re-connecting to nature spirits. read more