Are you in touch with your inner Wild Woman?

When people hear the word ‘wild’ many interpret it as living outside of accepted social norms. Such as staying out late, getting drunk and being that embarrassing person who dances on the tables. This is not my use of the word wild.

When I speak of finding your wild side, it doesn’t mean being out of control but rather the original meaning living a natural life that has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. I am referring to your inner feminine power with your intuitive wisdom and confidence. read more

Feeling sad from losing someone?: We should talk more openly about the dying process.

This week I have lost a good friend of over 50 years. He was my late husband’s best friend. They came to me as a cheeky pair and always made me laugh. We met as teenagers and stayed friends through all of the ups and downs of life. My friend held my son when he was only hours old having talked his way into the maternity ward. I always knew he would be there for me if I needed help. He was a good man.

Sadly my friend has been terminally ill for 10 months. We still met up and laughed but in the background our hearts were heavy. The dying process can be protracted and not easy to participate in. As my friend’s health deteriorated, he no longer wished to meet up. He was a very private man and didn’t want me to see him as he had become. I had to respect his wishes, but it wouldn’t have worried me how he looked. He was still the friend he had always been. read more

Friends: 3 characteristics of a good friend

A friendship can strike up quickly between you and another person or it may grow over time.  Both are valid approaches to establishing a friendship.  At some point you will realise they are important to you.  Your relationship may display many of these characteristics;

  • challenge you making the relationship exciting and fun.
  • stay with you through the good times and the sad times.
  • supportive of each other – your hopes, desires and fears.

Often conversation bounces backwards and forwards between you with each of you listening and giving a considered reply.  Good friends love you and can feel as comfortable as an old pair of slippers!

You feel able to ask them for their help and they are there for you if your world comes tumbling down. read more

Conscious Dreaming: a unique nine step approach to understanding your dreams

Robert Moss is the author of Conscious Dreaming. I have only recently found his work and I find it fascinating. I do have some dreams which I capture in my Daily Journal. Intuitively I have learnt to write them up and allow more information to arrive as I do so. Then to re-read them looking for their meaning in my current life today or for possibilities in the future.

However Robert Moss takes dreaming to a whole new level. He offers processes and techniques to make my dreaming much more rich, deeper and faster. He encourages you to work with someone else so you can tell them the story of your dream, and the other person can add more meaning to it by saying ‘If this was my dream….’ It is such fun to do and makes the spiritual journey much less lonely. read more

Music to uplift your soul

I had the pleasure of meeting Bridget Wolf. She is lively and fun plus a lady of many talents. Music was her original love but this has now blossomed into many spiritual gifts including healing and giving messages from past loved ones.

I love her music and find it very uplifting. Have a listen and see for yourself. The one that makes me feel really good is Life is Precious. It really resonates with my soul and reflects my views on life being a gift. I have downloaded it so I can listen to it again whenever I want to. read more

Empowerment: can spirituality help you?

What do we mean by spirituality? For me, it is about knowing there are two parts to me. Me, the personality who interacts with the world on a day-to-day basis. Me, the soul that is the eternal part of me that has lived many lives and gained some wisdom along the way.

As you explore your own spirituality you increasingly learn to go within where you discover you are never truly alone. It is within you meet your soul and start to get to know them. Perhaps unexpectedly, it is within you that you find strength, love, and support. read more

Living with balance in your life

Finding balance in all you think, feel and do brings you calmness. In my experience, when you feel calmness there is much more clarity on who you are and what is happening in your life.

In the northern hemisphere the Spring Equinox is coming on the 21st March. It brings us out of winter and officially is the start of the spring season. But what exactly is the spring equinox? 

First, let’s get into the equinox, which actually occurs twice a year. We have already mentioned the Spring Equinox. Another equinox occurs on the 23rd September and takes us into autumn. The word equinox comes from Latin and means “equality of night and day.” So, the equinox occurs at two specific moments in time when the sun is exactly above the equator.  read more