Tibetan Monks: create a sand mandala in London

Tibetan Monks UK Peace Tour

The purpose of the Lelung Dharma Trust’s Shide-Peace project is to promote peace throughout the world. In order to raise awareness of this mission, the Lelung Dharma Trust has brought a group of Tibetan monks from the Drepung Monastery in South India to the UK. While they are here they are performing a number of sacred activities. One of these is the creating of a sand mandala which I was privilege to witness in St. James’s church in Piccadilly, London.

Buddhism is of interest to me as it promotes a way of living for greater peace and happiness. It considers human behaviour and how we might individually improve our personal behaviour to make the world a better place. It is not about someone else doing something but each of us individually taking responsibility for our own behaviour and in so doing contribute to the whole. read more

Why I stopped believing I was separate from the Universe

I was reminded this week of how this view is held much more broadly that perhaps we think. I had a consultation with a hospital specialist this week. He asked me what my job was and when I explained we had an interesting conversation about our links to the universe and the ability of mediums to provide life guidance messages. When people are seriously ill, he confirmed that doctors and nurses saw and heard the unexplainable with their patients. He asked me to demonstrate my skills with messages for him. Here was a man of science but he acknowledged their relevance to him and my ability to bring them to him. read more

September: time for change and new resolutions

September is fast approaching. It is always a time of year that feels like new beginnings to me.

In the UK, the children are returning to school for the start of a new academic year. Parents are busy sorting new uniform and heaving a sigh of relief that they have got through the long summer holiday. I can remember looking forward to the structure the school routine brought back to our lives. Of course my children would probably not have agreed with me.

The summer is drawing to a close and some days you can feel autumn approaching (not today it’s 32 degrees in London!). read more

Spirit art: would you like to give it a try?

When you have sat with a medium and been given a message from a passed loved one, have you ever wondered if it is authentic?  Many people do and they are right to be cautious as there are charlatans who put themselves forward as a medium.

What better way to checkout your message than to ask the medium to draw a picture of who is bringing you the message. Of course the message could come from a loved one or even perhaps a guide.  Sometimes you may not recognise the person and you take the picture away wondering who the person is.  Time often tells you the answer. read more

Bloggers: can your posts be written by a robot?

Hello fellow bloggers,

I came across this article, Artifical Intelligence Can Now Write Amazing Content – What does it Mean For Humans? by Bernard Marr who is a Big Data and AI guru. It is a well written article. Have a read and see what you think.

As an independent blogger, I feel it gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts and approach to life in the hope it will make other people’s life easier. I am sure you may be the same or looking to entertain and make life more fun.

Have a read of this article and let me know if you think a robot can replace the human emotions we experience which often inspires an author’s writing. Can they learn to demonstrate empathy? They seem to be learning to mimic many human behaviours. read more

Writing for an hour a day is great for your well-being

I went to the London Book Fair this week with our guest author, Menaca Joji. We met some wonderful people; authors, publishers, agents, IngramSparks and Amazon people, marketers and the list goes on…..

All love words, be it written, spoken, digital or in print. However what I found so encouraging was the passion these people felt for their profession and how willing they were to share hints and tips on how to get your work to market. Thank you to everyone who gave us some guidance over the last three days, presenters, masterclass panelists and attendees. All is gratefully received. read more