Learning resilience

A resilient person is someone who can manage uncertainty and recover from adversity well.

Learning to become a resilient person helps to develop your inner strength.  During your life, challenges and crises will inevitably hit you.  We cannot predict when they will come.  Challenges are opportunities to learn life lessons.  Having some resilience through an inner strength helps you to navigate your challenges and to learn from them.

The world is an increasingly uncertain place.  By developing resilience you will have the emotional strength to navigate your way through whatever arrives for you.  You may also have the resilience to help others through their challenges too. read more

Kind words heal

My mum used to say to me “Good manners cost nothing” and the same applies to kind words.

Kind words unlock even the most steely of hearts.  Kind words convey caring.  Even a person whose heart has been hurt will respond to the compassion found in kind words.

Every kind word spoken is a gift to the receiver but also to you the speaker.

Today look for opportunities to express kind words that are sincere, thoughtful and warm.

Living life

Challenges in our Lives

Living life is not always easy.  Many of us have challenges in our lives which we are trying to overcome.  There is often a life lesson to be learnt in the challenges we are presented with, if we can but see it.  This does not make the challenge any easier, but sometimes in knowing the lesson, we feel less of the victim.

When we understand the lesson to be learnt, we do not feel so much of a victim.  Then we approach the challenge in a different way.  This often makes learning the lesson easier. read more

Gyhldeptis brings calmness

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Gyhldeptis – Native American Goddess of the forest. Honoured by the Haida and Tlingit tribes in Alaska and Canada. Known as the coastal forest Goddess with long hair. Her name means “Lady Hanging Hair” representing the long moss hanging from the cedar trees. Protector of the forest and also seen as the spirit of the trees.

Gyhldeptis helps in times of stress and chaos. She assists in calming us and brings us back to our centre. Gyhldeptis reminds us of the calm flowing river. She teaches us to stay calm and focused, to step back and re-evaluate our situation. Call on Gyhldeptis when you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Walking in the woods or near to nature helps with re-connecting to nature spirits. read more

Human potential: where is it taking us?


The poppy is a picture of human potential.  It is a delicate and beautiful flower that freely grows wild in our countryside.  Yet it is also a symbol of World War I and the fear, destruction and death that came with war.  An object of beauty and potential, a poppy can give remedies and relief for the chronic pain associated with diseases like arthritis.  Yet when abused fuels the heroine drug trade which plagues parts of our society.