Justice and Compassion: A Spiritual Guide to Equality

Social justice issues, such as racial equality, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights, are critical aspects of modern UK society. Although these issues are more commonly seen through political and legal lenses, they also have strong spiritual underpinnings. Spiritual traditions worldwide emphasise values like justice, compassion, and love, which can guide efforts toward a more equal and just society.

Let’s look at some important social justice and equality aspects and see how they are treated spiritually. read more

Discovering Your Soul’s True Path: Purpose, Destiny, and Growth

We live in a time of profound transformation, individually and collectively. You only have to listen to the news to know that humanity’s consciousness is changing at the global level – this is the defining theme of this era. Likewise, you are affected at a personal level.

This shift signifies something much deeper than surface-level adjustments. It marks the awakening of the Soul of Humanity, emerging from a long period of dormancy. As this awakening unfolds, a vital question arises:

How can you assist the Soul of Humanity as it seeks to make its presence more apparent? read more

How Relationships Shape Your Health: A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

In today’s fast-paced world, where technology and individualism often dominate, the importance of relationships in our lives can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, from a holistic perspective, relationships are not just a social necessity, they are a vital part of your overall health and well-being.

The connections you forge with others can have profound effects on your physical, emotional, and mental health, making it essential to understand and nurture them.

Are you giving enough attention to your relationships? read more

Can your strengths become a weakness?

Each of us is a unique self with our own mix of personal strengths and weaknesses.

Personal strengths might include sensitivity, work ethic, candour, playfulness or many other behaviours.

However, can these strengths become a weakness if taken too far? Being over sensitive can make it hard to be with less sensitive people. Someone who works too hard may neglect the very people they love and work hard for. And so;

For each strength, too much of it can become a weakness.

There is a judgement to be made in how much you use your strengths. Too much of any of them can bring a negative influence into your life. Balance is needed to have not too much but also not too little. read more

What do relationships bring you?

Our lives are made up of a range of relationships. Your earliest relationships are with your parents and siblings. As we grow, they include friends, fellow students, wider family, neighbours, lovers, managers, colleagues and many others.

We chose to be born into this life to learn life lessons.

Life lessons are not about acquiring material wealth but more about how you behave with other humans, animals and nature.

It is my belief that some of our greatest challengers and difficult relationships are our greatest teachers. read more

Tour de France: what does it say about humanity?

The first Tour de France was held in 1903 with the aim of selling more newspapers. It was set up and sponsored by French sports paper L’Auto, which hoped a tough new endurance race around the country would capture the public’s attention and boost its declining sales figures.

What do we learn about humans from the Tour de France?

The Tour de France started as a commercial venture but has captured the hearts and minds of people globally.

There was and still is so much support and good wishes from the French people in support of this spectacular sporting event. Their enthusiasm is catching and has spread world-wide. read more

Why is life so hard?

I haven’t met the person who has everything easy in their life. Even people who appear to have everything, if you follow them home, they may have a partner who isn’t kind or financial worries or other difficulties.

I believe we are meant to experience challenges and to learn how to overcome them. They are not about having big houses and fast cars but more about how we interact with other people or how you treat yourself.

How do I feel joy rather than life is all hard work?

Living a good life is often about taking pleasure from the smallest of things. read more