Who am I?: can I influence the world I live in which is so full of fear

Am I just flesh and bones?

Do you feel there is more to you than flesh and bones?

Well yes actually. I am more than my body. I have thoughts, feelings and dreams. I love my parents, my partner and my children even though they annoy me sometimes. Surely all of this is part of me as well as my body.

Your thoughts, feelings and dreams are all energy as much as your body. Have you ever felt your mother’s disapproval without her even speaking a word?

Well of course I have, especially when I was growing up. read more

Do you choose to live a life or a living?

Life is full of choices. You are given the free will to make your own choices. Your choices affect how your life unfolds.

Of course for our own well-being, we all need a safe and comfortable place to live, food on the table and clothes to wear. Once you have those, what choices do you make on where to spend your time and energy?

Do you choose the extra overtime for the cash? Or perhaps to do those evening emails to help you climb the corporate greasy pole?

Are you choosing to live a life or a living? read more

Fear is in the air: What hope is there for us?

When fear is all around you as it feels to be at the moment, it is easy to inadvertently absorb it.

What can you do?

You are not defined by others’ actions but rather by how you respond. You may not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your reaction. I would like to think I chose hope over fear. No matter what is happening, I would always hope;

  • tomorrow will be a better day than today
  • compassion for others will prevail
  • good decisions triumph over bad ones

When I want to remind myself of the power of hope to our individual survival, I reread the book;

Man’s Search for Meaning: the classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust read more

ABC of Love: o is for oneness

You are never really alone. Sometimes it is hard to connect with others and you feel separate and lonely.

Even when someone passes, communication is possible. Loving one another and having a desire to connect increases the clarity.

Ask a simple question and wait for the response.

Be alert to receive the message in whatever way it choses to arrive – the words of a song on the radio, a bill board, a knowing, a feeling…..

This post is dedicated to my friend and her family who are remembering we are one. read more