How to Handle a Toxic Manager

Toxic managers can be challenging and also detrimental to your calmness and well-being. I know this from first hand experience. I was a senior executive successfully delivering a business change programme but I had the meanest manager I had ever experienced. He was a short New Yorker who loved to shout and belittle people. He did not respect that I lived in a different time zone from him and would call me late into my evening. Normally a confident person, my self-esteem and confidence hit rock bottom. It was a very unhappy period in my life. read more

September: time for change and new resolutions

September is fast approaching. It is always a time of year that feels like new beginnings to me.

In the UK, the children are returning to school for the start of a new academic year. Parents are busy sorting new uniform and heaving a sigh of relief that they have got through the long summer holiday. I can remember looking forward to the structure the school routine brought back to our lives. Of course my children would probably not have agreed with me.

The summer is drawing to a close and some days you can feel autumn approaching (not today it’s 32 degrees in London!). read more

ABC of Love: n is for night

Sometimes we need to go into the dark to find the Light.

The Light is always with you but sometimes in the day time you cannot see it.

During our lives we will all experience a dark night. It may be through loosing someone or something we love or perhaps illness or financial worries.

Your Light can arrive in may forms. A few kind words of encouragement or perhaps a helping hand may arrive bringing you light in your darkest moments.

The greatest Light you can shine in your dark night is ‘self love’. It can bring encouragement, hope, self-assurance or just a knowing that you will get through your dark night and arrive in a lighter place. read more

Families who eat together stay together

Its is Spring Bank Holiday in the UK so it seemed right to talk about families and how we can improve the time we spend together. My observation is there are many benefits from families who eat together.

In our busy 21st century lives, there is a trend towards families eating their meals from trays watching TV rather than sitting to a table and facing each other.  Likewise teenagers, if allowed, will take their food and eat in their bedrooms.

Eating a meal at a table together as a family strengthens the family bond.  Over the meal conversation will flow backwards and forwards between parents, between parents and children.  By sharing their day’s news, family members are more involved with each others lives.  This gives opportunities to support one another and for parents to guide a child. read more

Spirit art: would you like to give it a try?

When you have sat with a medium and been given a message from a passed loved one, have you ever wondered if it is authentic?  Many people do and they are right to be cautious as there are charlatans who put themselves forward as a medium.

What better way to checkout your message than to ask the medium to draw a picture of who is bringing you the message. Of course the message could come from a loved one or even perhaps a guide.  Sometimes you may not recognise the person and you take the picture away wondering who the person is.  Time often tells you the answer. read more

All in life is not what it seems….

Have you ever made a fool of yourself and wondered how it happened?

We are all trying to do the best we can in our lives but sometimes it does not feel good enough. Need some encouragement?

Listen to Alison Wem’s live broadcast on ‘All in life is not what it seems…’ She gives some encouragement and strategies in coping with the ups and downs of life.

Watch here

If you relate to the video and need some more help and guidance in your life? Get in touch with Alison. Here are the contact details. read more