Ever felt everything is going wrong? 3 tips to improve your life

Ever had a time when everything you do seems to go wrong?

I know I have, and often I have no knowledge why this should be. When the flow of life is not working for you, I have found you are either doing the wrong things or approaching life in the wrong way. One of my problems is that sometimes I just try too hard! When I do this I get too tired and make mistakes. They can be small mistakes but they can have a BIG impact – like how I have spoken to someone and then I lose their co-operation. I seem to make mountains which I then have to climb. I get so cross with myself. read more

Feeling life has too many challenges? Here is why you should engage with them

Challenges arrive in your life to provide you with opportunities to learn and grow.  Through them you can learn important life lessons such as improving your communication, overcoming jealous love or learning to receive as well as to give.  However when faced with a new challenge you may feel daunted.  Know the feeling?

Sometimes the same challenge keeps appearing in your life.  Do you find that frustrating?  This will keep happening until you learn your life lesson and manage it better. read more

Life is for living and enjoying

Life is for living and enjoying.

Gain insight into yourself to understand who you are and where your life is going.

Are you happy with your life or trying to break through a barrier or repeated behaviour pattern?

Perhaps you might want to choose a different way of being in your life to achieve a different result….. The choice is yours.

Your life choices and how you choose to interact with others, creates the life you experience.

If you have a question or want to make an enquiry about intuitive guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me, Alison Wem, Here read more

Dream job. True Love. Happy family. How to have it all in 2019?

Feel as good as a bird in full flight…..

I’m so glad we’re together in this bright New Year.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent some time reflecting on the year that was, and on your goals for the new year – your VISION for what you want.

But how do you turn that vision into a real, living, breathing, reality?

Maybe you’re focusing on one important goal. Or maybe you’re dreaming extra big this year. You’re going to really go for it! Marry your soulmate, add another zero to your savings fund, ​and fit back into your skinny jeans. read more

Now is the time to try something new

The New Year brings a rush of new resolutions and goals. Now is the time to try something new, just as Mother Nature changes as we move forward in the year. I have just gone for a walk in the park and the winter blossoms remind me of the Spring and the promise of warmth to come.

Find your personal Spring by trying some of the Your Soul Family events and meetings. Take a look at the programme.

YSF Programme

Call Alison today

Tel: (+44) 7966 137568         email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com read more

Grief and hope: how do they go together?

Grieving is the process of saying goodbye to something or someone you valued. When we talk about grief most people think of the death of a loved one. However many life events cause a loss, for example being made redundant, divorce, selling of your childhood home, death of a pet.

Unexpectedly widowed in her 40s, Alison found herself alone with two children and a demanding job. She speaks of the emotions she experienced and the 4 step Grieving Process she went through.

A key technique at Your Soul Family is to ask the question; read more