ABC of love: m is for meditation

Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the centre of consciousness within.                    Swami Rama

Typically people either follow a guided meditation which often visualizes a calm and beautiful place in nature or they focus on their breath – ‘in’ to bring in harmony, new vitality and peace, ‘out’ to release anything that is unwanted or unpleasant. read more

Menaca Joji: My journey from East to West

Menaca Joji

Guest author Menaca Joji shares her story of how she came to leave her beloved Sri Lanka and family in search of a safe home. This early experience has shaped the person Menaca is today. After successfully practising dentistry for over 20 years and building a practice in London, she now advises dentists on their client skills and how to build a successful business.

Menaca’s story reminds you that it is often through some of your greatest life challenges, you get the opportunity to meet some good and caring people. read more

Nature: why is growing your own food so beneficial?

Have you ever wondered why pottering in the garden is so popular? It does not look exciting, not much happens, so why do people love it so much?

For over 200,000 years humanity has been living and developing on Earth. It is not so surprising that even the hardest of city lovers gain great value in being with nature. Whether you believe in an ‘inner you’ and that you exchange energy with the world around you is immaterial. You are doing it all the time but may not be aware of it.

When you go out in the garden, to the park or allotment you are receiving soothing energy from the grass, trees and plants. They take your stress and give it to Mother Earth to deal with. As you tend your plants, watering and feeding them, your mind starts to slow and you enter that calm space within that brings so much clarity. As you breath out, the stress from the difficulties in your life leaves you. As you breath in, new energy and vitality enters you. What a great stress buster! read more

Life Lessons: why do you feel you have been somewhere before?

Many scientists believe that Man was much as we are now, in physical and neurological terms, as when we first appeared on Earth some 200,000 years ago. It is not know how we came about, but whatever it was, it brought the abilities of intuition, compassion, empathy, love and self healing.  Since those times humanity has been learning life lessons in order to lead better lives. A life lesson might be learning not to shout when annoyed, or to listen or to love oneself.

One lifetime is not long to learn such fundamental lessons especially if there is more than one. It seems very inefficient to spend a lifetime learning a lesson only for it to be lost when that person dies. In nature plants bloom, die and rise again the following spring. Taking a lead from nature, increasing numbers of people believe that while our bodies die our consciousness or souls survive death and go on to live another life. read more

Your kitchen: is it a place to work or relax in?

A kitchen is often the centre of a home. For women, typically it is a place of work where they prepare meals, do the ironing, help children with their homework or do other domestic chores. For me I also write my blog sitting at the kitchen table. It is not a room I would think to relax in.

All of that has changed since I found Onitani at the London Mind, Body, Spirit exhibition earlier in the year. They gave a live demo of their healing music and I felt compelled to buy their CD. Now at the end of the working day I put their music on in the kitchen when I prepare dinner. It changes my work room into one for relaxation. My sometimes tired or hassled brain relaxes and then my body loses its tension. It makes me a better dinner companion.  Music can definitely change your mood and make you feel more relaxed. read more

ABC of love: l is for love

Love comes in many shapes and forms

Whenever anyone speaks of love they are often referring to romantic love between two people. I believe that love is infinite and can come in many forms. If romantic love was the only form of love, it would be quite exclusive and in limited quantities. It would be a hard world with only this type of love available to give and receive.

Fortunately for us love comes in many forms – parental, family, friends, pets, yourself. All of the important people in your life are available for you to love. In my view love is infinite and the more of it in your life, the richer it will be. Some people believe that you cannot possibly love a step or adopted child as much as a biological child. I disagree with this view. I think the choice is yours to decide how much you open your heart to love a person. read more

ABC of love: k is for kindness

A little kindness goes a long way

Making your way in the world can be tough. I hear young people concerned about their careers, finding a partner or feeling left behind if their friends have married, bought a house or started a family. Others may have a sick child or a partner or be concerned they may lose their job. Older people can worry about approaching retirement and what it will mean to them.

There are so many worries about just living…..

Worries can lessen and seem more manageable with a little kindness from a loved one, a friend or even a stranger. Just talking about a worry can help. Providing an attentive, listening ear is a kindness. Being kind does not cost anything other than thoughtfulness and time. Words can be very healing. A few kind words of support can make a world of difference to the recipient. A thoughtful action, such as making someone a cup of tea at the end of a working day, can make the person feel loved and cared for. read more