Do you feel constrained?: how to achieve your heart’s desire

You Are as Free as You Allow Yourself to Be

Many people feel constrained in their life.  It can be for many reasons – a relationship, job, where they live……

However we are in charge of our own life and what we do with it.  The world is at your feet and you can decide how you want to live in it.  Oh I hear you say; I cannot do that because……

Make a wish

Make a wish…..

We all need a little magic in our lives at times.  Avebury, UK, site of the pre-historic stone circle, has an ancient magical walnut tree.  Tie a ribbon to it and you can make a wish for something good in your life.

The power of your intention, in making your wish, enables it to be granted.

I tied a red ribbon to the tree. I wished for everyone in the Your Soul Family community to be granted a wish if they requested it of the tree.

Watch the video below and make your wish. read more

Trust once broken is hard to repair

Trust once broken is hard to repair

Have you ever stopped to think about what trust is about and how much you value it?  Trust is a key ingredient for a good relationship.  The relationship can be of many different types – a lover, friend, parent, child, colleague.  Each of these relationships are very different in content and benefit to each other.  However you need to trust the other person’s behaviour; it needs to be reliable and consistent.  Mutual trust is a foundation stone in any relationship. read more