Joy – the happiness that comes from within

Happiness, joy and bliss are different states of being. Happiness is often fleeting. Moments of it come and go with no control from us but brought on by an exceptionally beautiful view, a good meal, great company etc. All are external factors. Joy comes from within ourselves and can be sustained. Bliss is the next step which is available to us all but few attain.

Joy, the happiness that comes from within by Osho. He talks with humour about attaining joy and bliss. It is a thought provoking read. I found I read a few chapters, then stopped to consider the ideas. Then I read some more chapters. Text inserts of key ideas were good for reminding me of the concepts I had already read about. read more

Double rainbow

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Double rainbow in Liverpool, UK Experienced a beautiful rainbow one evening to cheer my journey from the office. I was totally surprised to suddenly notice the colours of the rainbow match the chakra energy points we experience in our bodies. We are much more connected to mother nature than many of us realise, including me.

Double rainbow in Liverpool, UK.  Experienced a beautiful rainbow one evening to cheer my journey from the office. I was totally surprised to suddenly notice the colours of the rainbow match the chakra energy points we experience in our bodies. We are much more connected to mother nature than many of us realise, including me. read more

Gyhldeptis brings calmness

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Gyhldeptis – Native American Goddess of the forest. Honoured by the Haida and Tlingit tribes in Alaska and Canada. Known as the coastal forest Goddess with long hair. Her name means “Lady Hanging Hair” representing the long moss hanging from the cedar trees. Protector of the forest and also seen as the spirit of the trees.

Gyhldeptis helps in times of stress and chaos. She assists in calming us and brings us back to our centre. Gyhldeptis reminds us of the calm flowing river. She teaches us to stay calm and focused, to step back and re-evaluate our situation. Call on Gyhldeptis when you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Walking in the woods or near to nature helps with re-connecting to nature spirits. read more

Emotions conveyed through art

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Mark Rothko (1903 – 1970) – modern painter extraordinaire Here is a sample of Mark Rothko’s paintings published by the National Gallery, UK in a 2015 calendar.  Some would say that Rothko’s paintings are too simplistic and anyone could create them. While working at Christies the Art Auction House an art expert said to me, a painting is beautiful not because

of the exquisite execution of the painting by the artist, but by the emotions it evokes in the beholder of the art.  Rothko’s extraordinary achievement was the communication of tragedy and elation through forms reduced to their starkest simplicity – often times a pair of rectangles.  At a Rothko exhibition in the Tate Modern, London I could definitely feel the difference between his earlier brighter paintings and his later darker ones.  They had a whole room of his later paintings but it felt heavy and depressing.  I did not want to linger in the room. read more

Live each day as if it is your last


If today was the last day of your life, how would you spend it?

Would you want to spend your time happy in the company of your loved ones?  Or would you complain about small things, worry about the house looking perfect, spend all of your time at work?

Remember to leave time in each day of your life for the important things.

Dedicated to my mother and the wonderful two little boys in our family who represent the next generation arriving.

Honour your ancestors

Hampstead Heath

Went to a Healing Voice workshop given by Jill Purce in Hampstead.  It is such a beautiful day it feels good to be alive.

In many ways the desire to be a better person and to acquire greater wisdom on love and compassion is a deeply personal and private conversation.   The journey one takes to achieve this is immaterial but undertaking or starting to undertake the journey is hugely important to the individual.  Some seek a facilitator to help them in this journey.