Why is life so hard?

I haven’t met the person who has everything easy in their life. Even people who appear to have everything, if you follow them home, they may have a partner who isn’t kind or financial worries or other difficulties.

I believe we are meant to experience challenges and to learn how to overcome them. They are not about having big houses and fast cars but more about how we interact with other people or how you treat yourself.

How do I feel joy rather than life is all hard work?

Living a good life is often about taking pleasure from the smallest of things. read more

Are you or someone you love lonely?

On the whole, other people are not very interested in what you do. Yet naturally humans are tribal. They feel happier and safer living in groups, be it family or a community.

Are you or any of your loved ones lonely?

With population movement becoming common for career opportunities and to find affordable housing, family groups are becoming scattered.

People are becoming more dependent on community or good neighbours.

It takes time and effort for a community to form and grow. Community is not only your local area but can embrace groups of likeminded people such as an interest in yoga, football, history and many other interests. read more

How do you feel about yourself and your life?

When I was growing up, my mum always used to say to me;

People value you at what you value yourself.

At the time I don’t think I truly understood what she meant. But having lived more and experienced other people, I feel there is some truth in what she said.

Ask yourself these questions;

  • Do you express your views and emotions honestly, albeit kindly?
  • Do you take action on how you truly feel?
  • Do you give yourself time and space in your life?
  • Do you look after your own mental health?

If you value yourself in your interactions with others, you are able to feel and speak honestly, know your needs and be able to take actions to satisfy them.

Expressing your views and emotions

Of course it goes without saying, that in sharing your views and emotions it should be with kindness, love and sensitivity to others. If you did it in a way that hurt others or was vulgar and included a lot of swearing, you are not honouring yourself. You may come to regret it. However, being able to speak your truth is very important to feeling a sense of freedom. It should not be ignored and if not done, can make your throat chakra feel uncomfortable and even blocked. read more

Mother Nature: refreshes us at the end of a busy day

Wonderful sun-set.

Time to pause and enjoy the sun-set at the end of a busy day.

A moment of reflection sets you up for your evening activities.

Bring inner peace and harmony into your life. Amazingly you will find many of your challenges in the outer world ease. It can be basic everyday things like handling a situation where your children are fighting one another, across a spectrum of challenges to dealing with life feeling alone.

In that place of calmness within you will find the guidance, love and strength to help you to find a way through your challenges. read more

Are you listening to your own soul?

It never ceases to surprise me how strong people can be when there is a crisis in their lives. They often don’t know where the strength has come from. My belief is that your soul loves you and is always with you whether you are aware of it or not.

A silent inner cry of ‘Please can you help me.’ will strengthen the link between you and your soul allowing your soul to step in more easily and give you strength.

It’s great to get help when you most need it. But think how it would help your life if you used the strength and wisdom of your soul in everyday life. Your wisdom from living many past lives is held by your soul.

You can access your wisdom via your soul.

When you have to decide something, do you get a feeling inside which lets you know what is right for you? It has come into our language as a ‘hunch’ or a ‘gut feeling’ and many other colloquialisms.

This is your intuition working, the language of your soul.

It is often felt in your heart area. When your intuition is working, many people without thinking about it place their hand on their heart. This increases the alignment between your heart and your brain, helping you interpret the messages you are receiving. When you allow your soul to speak, people hear the authenticity and wisdom in the words. You will get a much better listening to what you are saying.

Are you listening to your soul?

For many years I talked to a guide deep inside of me. We were great companions and together experienced and navigated our way through the ups and downs of life. I can’t remember a time without him. Then I found out he was actually my own soul. It would explain the depth of our relationship. It was then that I realised:

My soul is me and I am my soul.

We make a great duo. Having him in my life makes me feel good and enriches the life I lead.

If you call out to your soul, your soul will answer.

The best place to connect with your soul is that deep quiet space within read more

What can Mother Nature offer your well-being?

When you feel tired, jaded or upset, it’s a good time to go for a walk in nature. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple park in your area or out in the countryside, the positive affect on you will be the same.

Mother Nature has many healing properties to offer you. A wonderful blue sky with fluffy clouds scudding across it can be very uplifting. The wider horizon with greenery, can bring perspective into your life. Even if its raining, the cool drops of water falling on your skin can be invigorating.

Go for this walk just with yourself rather than with a friend. If you have a friend with you, you will chatter all of the time and miss many of the benefits of this walk. Walking with a friend can be a good thing, but for a different reason. Its often about companionship, sharing of something going on in your life or mutual support through challenges. A walk in nature to feel good is a different sort of walk.

So, if you are walking in nature to help you feel better and stronger so you can cope with your life and even enjoy it, don’t walk along with your face looking at the ground. You would be surprised how many people do this! I am a great people watcher when I go on my walk….

Hold your head up and look at all of the beauty around you. You don’t have to pay money for this great experience. All you have to do is make time and space within your head to observe Mother Nature and feel her nurture you.

Let go of your thoughts and worries and enjoy the moment.

Breath in deeply the lovely air and energy so it goes deep into your body read more