Happy team: 6% higher net profit margin

Engaged team members care about their work and their company.  Engaged team members are motivated and happy. They are prepared to go the extra mile without being asked.

Towers Perrin research says,

Companies with engaged employees have a 6% higher net profit margin.

Well lead and motivated teams create greater customer satisfaction while experiencing increased job satisfaction.

Motivated teams are productive and achieve great things. 

Following and realising your passion is key to your own well-being.  Success in following your passion often comes from focus. read more

Characteristics of leadership: how do you score?

Businesses that thrive are ones with employees that are equipped to lead themselves. Today’s rapid technological change and uncertain economy requires this. Such a mindset not only creates greater satisfaction for individuals, but benefits the organisation’s customer satisfaction, competitiveness and productivity.

Everyone is accountable for leading themselves. It is a mindset rather than a position.

Having successfully led myself in roles from payroll team lead to Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Change Director whilst juggling being a mother of five; I understand how challenging life can be and how mindset can be pivotal to success.  read more

Relaxation: learn to remain still

Stillness is very powerful.

Mindfulness is a commonly used term these days. However it is true that meditation or just being still brings calmness which enhances your concentration, lowers blood pressure and aids sleep quality. All are good for enhancing your performance at work and improves your well-being.

The simplest way to induce stillness is to take deep breaths.

3-4-5 breathing is a simple exercise devised by @Dr Rangan Chatterjee.

1. Breath in for 3 seconds.

2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. read more

Relaxation: eat a meal at a table

For many of us today is the first day back at work. How did you get on with ensuring you got 15 minutes downtime? If you have not managed it, there is still time this evening – perhaps a lovely bath or listening to a favourite piece of music.

Do remember this time is for you and should not be done alongside a task like making dinner….

Here is another suggestion for relaxation   – eat a meal at a table with a friend, colleague or loved one.

Humans are social beings and have greater feelings of well-being when they feel more connected to others. As you are sitting it helps your body to move out of the ‘fight or flight’ mode and your digestion improves. You will be inclined to eat less which helps all of us who are watching our weight. read more

Your Soul Family – one year old

Your Soul Family – one year old!

Next week it will be a year since I left my corporate job to pursue Your Soul Family (YSF). My aim is to help others find a calmness and sense of completeness for a happier life using YSF techniques.  YSF helps you to take an honest look at yourself, to explore your inner wisdom in order to guide where you want to go.

I left work with what I thought was a publishing ready book and a publisher showing interest in it.  My year has taken many twists and turns with some highs and lows… It certainly has not been boring; in fact I have learnt so much and am continuing to learn.  This really is a whole new career. read more