Now is the time to try something new

The New Year brings a rush of new resolutions and goals. Now is the time to try something new, just as Mother Nature changes as we move forward in the year. I have just gone for a walk in the park and the winter blossoms remind me of the Spring and the promise of warmth to come.

Find your personal Spring by trying some of the Your Soul Family events and meetings. Take a look at the programme.

YSF Programme

Call Alison today

Tel: (+44) 7966 137568         email: read more

Happy wishing for 2019

In the UK and perhaps in many other countries too, we seem to be entering the New Year in turmoil. Brexit is upsetting both the UK and Europe, Trump is unsettling the stock markets and countries are thinking about trade tariffs.

Now is the time between Christmas and the start of 2019 to reflect on both the global and your personal situation.

What did you experience in 2018 and what would you like to bring in for you and your loved ones, your soul family, for 2019?

Think about the things that went well for you in the last year. For me 2018 was a good year. I made some good progress in becoming an author, mentor and life coach: read more

Men: the secrets of surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Not only is it a busy time for the person preparing the Christmas Day celebrations, but tension can run in families where couples do not agree on the style of celebrations. Do you recognise the scenario?

Lets look at some tips for the man of the house…..

Tip #1  Remember your partner is doing their best to make Christmas a joyous and happy time for all. A little encouragement can go a long way.

Tip #2 Rather than complain about the amount of money being spent, try to find some alternative treats or better still make or cook some. read more

Is the World becoming a better or worse place to be?

What do our newspapers say about our world?

Views on this topic are probably as numerous as there are people. Periodically I pick up a newspaper and look at the headlines as a barometer on prevailing attitudes.  I did this last weekend with London’s Evening Standard.

On the downside were headings relating to lies, accusations and tensions:

Fake paramedic treated more than a 100 people

Worst times on trains for 12 years but fares rise 3.1% – employees blamed

G20 summit tensions

It was not a good start to my review. However I went on to find the following headlines. Sadly they were further back in the paper as bad news seems to sell more papers than uplifting news. read more

Should relationships last a lifetime?

This is a big life question and there is no easy answer.

I have dared to give my views and guidance on how to improve your relationships. I believe we live our lives through relationships, so anything we can do to gain more insight into them can add quality to our lives.

Listen to the video and let me know your views – do the messages resonate or do you have a different view?

You will be glad to hear that this weeks video will be running from YouTube so the quality should be better.

Video – Should relationships last a lifetime?

Reflecting on the relationships in your life and what life lessons they may be trying to help you to learn is a key aspect of Your Soul Family. I will be releasing a free chapter from my new book, Finding Your Soul Family, which covers this topic.

Check at to get your copy.