Sadly preparation for Christmas can send many people into a panic. All those presents to find for the people most important to you in your life. How will you find something that brings joy, sends your love and shares some truths on life and living.

Don’t make it hard for yourself. Help is at hand. 

Here are a few inexpensive books that make great presents for those who are curious about life. Be the person to ignite your loved ones curiosity and help them to achieve a greater awareness of who they really are.

Alison Wem’s book reviews:


Of course I would love it if you tried one of my books. One of my favourites is Secrets of Your Soul. There are lots of lovely little stories of past lives. They are easy to read and come with an illustration. A good read with some spiritual messages. If you hurry, there is still time to order it and get it delivered before Christmas.

Click here for the UK and here for the US

If you relate to this article and need some more help and guidance in your life – get in touch with Alison. Here are her contact details.

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Available face-to-face or via Zoom/WhatsApp depending on location.