Categories: Your Soul Family

Covid-19: is it providing us with an opportunity to permanently change our lives?

Is Covid-19 creating a burning platform for change?

While it may not go away totally and we will have to learn to live with it, Covid-19 has forced us to change the way we are living and to consider what is important to us.

Loved ones are at the top of our prioritises – not unsurprisingly. Leading a simpler life has been a new experience for some and has made people question whether they need all of their ‘things’. Nature is valued more. Relationships and happy experiences enrich our lives.

Uniting with loved ones through a simple walk in the park or over Zoom has become acceptable.

Should we look at Covid-19 as our friend and work with it to facilitate change or should we regard covid-19 as our enemy and fight with it?

I have hotly debated this with my friends and we came to conclusion we should face our fears and step into our own power to work with the Covid experience to facilitate long term change for the good.

This does not mean we will be foolish. We will take all of the sensible precautions but we do not want to live our lives in fear or feelings of loneliness. Each of us are responsible for our own physical and mental well-being.

I have been surprised by some of my friends who I would regard as ‘non-spiritual’, now seeking out spiritual practices as a result of their Covid experience. They have learnt to seek within and have been pleasantly surprised by what they have found. All those external pleasures like big houses and fast cars are not needed for a rich and happy life.

How important is our freedom to us?

Immensely important is what I am hearing people say. But many now appreciate the joys of their inner landscape and a simpler way of living.

So I believe life will never be the same again post Covid-19….

This podcast by Zeus Yiamouyiannis really resonated with me.

(165) Zeus Yiamouyiannis | Economy as Spiritual and Moral Transformation – YouTube

What are your views?

Alison Wem

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