Categories: Conscious Mind

Do I get guidance through my dreams?

Dreams have fascinated humanity for centuries. Everyone dreams but you may or may not remember them. Or perhaps you remember a fragment of a dream. They create a bridge between your inner and outer worlds. Many believe that dreams are not just random images but meaningful messages of love and guidance from your soul.

Understanding your dreams can offer profound insights from your inner world, guiding you on your life journey.

Dreams can be vivid or vague, joyful or terrifying, linear or chaotic, fantastic or ordinary. Despite their varied nature, dreams often carry symbols to guide you in your life or to give you an alert to a possible danger ahead.

How is your soul trying to speak to you in your dreams?

Your soul will use many approaches to communicating with you. Your soul is your oldest and deepest friend knowing every aspect of you. Here are some of the things you should be alert to in your dreams to aid understanding them.

How do you feel when you wake up?

Emotions you experience in dreams are significant. Waking feeling curious may mean there is something from your dream you need to research and explore further. If you frequently feel anxious in dreams, it could be a sign that your soul is urging you to address anxiety-inducing aspects of your life. Dreams can bring you happiness in meeting a loved one who has passed. Every human emotion can be experienced in dreams.

Symbolic Dreams

Dreams are rarely communicated in a straightforward way. Instead, they use symbols that require interpretation. Examples can include; water symbolising emotions, a house could represent yourself, and a journey might reflect personal growth. Paying attention to recurring symbols can help you decode the messages your soul is sending. A repeated dream can often mean there is a message your soul is trying to give you, but you have not understood it yet.

What guidance and clarity are your dreams bringing you?

Dreams can provide guidance and clarity on issues that perplex you. They might offer solutions to problems, reveal new perspectives, or confirm gut feelings. When you have a problem, many people like to sleep on it before they take any actions.

A dream about a crossroads, for example, could symbolize a critical decision you need to make. Dreams can sometimes predict potential futures and alert you to avoiding accidents or harm.

Healing Dreams

Your soul uses dreams to facilitate healing. Traumatic experiences or unresolved conflicts often resurface in dreams, giving you a chance to process and heal. The healing dream can be symbolic with you as a wounded animal walking to a blue lake for healing and diving in. Confronting these issues in the dream world can lead to emotional release and closure.

Dream visits from loved ones and spirit guides

These are perhaps my favourite dreams. I always feel very loved in these dreams and a wonderful feeling of being connected to the people most important to me.

These dream visits are a great opportunity to complete unfinished business or sort out misunderstandings with a passed loved one.

Meaningful discussions can be held with spirit guides to help you with an aspect of your life or spiritual development.

How do you improve your dream communications?

  • Keep a Dream Journal, in my experience the more you write a journal in the morning of your dreams, the more dreams you receive. It’s like you are saying you are open to dream communication.
  • Practice Mindfulness and meditation, it seems to improve dream recall, perhaps because you have greater inner calmness.
  • Set Intentions, before you go to sleep write an intention or question in your journal for your dreams. Leave the pen on the open, empty page. Your soul will love giving you something to write in the morning.

By paying attention to your dreams and learning to interpret their meaning, you can tap into a deep source of inner wisdom. Treat your dreams as a dialogue with your soul, and let them guide your path.

If you don’t fully understand a dream, you can re-enter a dream. But that is a whole new story…..

Alison Wem

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