Chanting meditation: is sound an energy that can be used to increase our connection to the ‘inner you’, our families, our communities, the universe?

The material world is made up of matter which breaks down to atoms and protons. Protons are light and the ultimate energy source. Sound and the vibrations it makes are also energy. Therefore can sound as a form of energy influence people and the environment in which it operates? 

Jill Purce reveals the rainbow colours of the voice by the ancient shamanic vocal practice of overtone chanting. She makes audible the natural harmonic spectrum of the voice so the ethereal, angelic bell-like tones are heard floating above a continuous bass note.

I have been using Jill’s CD of chants to sing along which produced amazing effects. This first time on the drive to work I was amazed at how bright the trees became and I could see their energy aura. I arrived at work energised, almost on a high. The next time I was at home and the cut flowers on my coffee table glowed with energy. Performing the chant made my whole chest vibrate and increased my ability to see energy.

Recently I was privileged to hear a lecture by Jill at the College of Psychic Studies in London. The lecture covered 2 areas;

  • chanting,
  • connecting to the universal energy field to resolve recurring family issues such as illness, addiction.

Song used to be a part of our lives, singing in choirs, church or as part of our jobs such as sailors pulling the ropes. In the 21st century we have let singing slip out of our lives as we prefer to listen to professionals sing to us. Chanting and singing offers great value to us and can calm our emotions and our environment.

Growing up in Ireland, Jill’s family were crossing in a small boat to an island when a storm broke out threatening to swamp the boat. They were in fear of their lives. Three old ladies started an ancient chant, the sea and their fears both calmed. Jill lead us in three forms of singing;

Chanting – we were a group of about 40, the chanting made us feel centred, calm and surprisingly connected to one another.

Alleluia – immediately felt Spirit people draw near. They stood politely in a row down the aisle of our gathering. The Alleluia felt very familiar and brought to mind a life I had lived in the 6th century as a nun in a Celtic Irish convent. I asked if there were any other lives that brought a relevant message. I was reminded of a life as a black slave working in a gang. We chanted to synchronise our efforts but it brought the unexpected side effects of easing the pain in our muscles and back plus took our minds to a place of calm.

Mantra – personally as a dyslexic I found this harder to follow as it was more complicated and the sound of the words were unfamiliar to me. I am sure it is just a matter of practise.

Jill personally has a great connection to the universal energy and in her workshops works with others to make the connection to resolve family issues.

I went to see Paul McCartney at the O2. Full to capacity, some 20,000 people were led by Paul in singing Hey Jude. When we were all belting out La La La I was reminded of chanting. It definitely brought all 20,000 of us together in the experience of the moment and created a wonderful atmosphere of shared enjoyment.

Experience tells me sound can affect our emotions and our surrounding environment. The best sound of all is the one we create with our own voices.

Thank you Jill for letting me in on the secret.

Jill Purce

Jill Purce

Other interesting lectures at the College of Psychic Studies


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