There are always those things you feel you should get done but know in your heart you never will. Perhaps you agreed to arrange to meet someone you are not very keen on or its to clean out those dreaded items at the back of the wardrobe.

But what about those things that you know are important but can’t seem to get done?

How many times have you made a definite decision to do something?

There is no doubt – you are determined. Yet nothing happens. Why not?

Is your heart in agreement with your head?

You receive the promptings from your soul in your heart. Your soul encourages you to steer your life in the direction of your soul’s purpose. Time and energy spent on more mundane things in your life are of less interest to your soul.

Of course, you have the free will to listen to the promptings from your heart or to do the logical things which you want and need to do. We are all human, so there are basic things you need to do to live, such as provide a home and put food on the table. The Universe understands this, but is perhaps less excited by them.

Like many things, it is a case of balance.

You need time to be human, but you also need time to be with your soul and follow your soul’s purpose.

When you and your soul are aligned, you are at your most productive. Things just happen. What seemed impossible becomes possible. Doors seem to open and you are in the flow of life.

My experience is to be discerning on how you distribute your time and energy to tasks. Try giving a balanced amount to the human things you need to do and those that bring you joy, excitement and fun or help you along your spiritual path. If you become totally immersed in the former, there is no time left for the latter. It really is about you choosing your own priorities and consciously living your life as you want to. So many people are allowing themselves to be pulled in different directions by other people. The goal is to learn to;

Integrate soulful activities into your everyday life.

This is not as arduous as it sounds. Promptings from the heart are often about human behaviour. It may be as simple as saying thankful or helping someone who needs it.

When you feel in your heart something is right – this is the thing to do.