Categories: Your Soul Family

Irene Gloux: Spirit Art workshop

What a fantastic workshop Irene gave on using spirit art to understand who is trying to communicate with us and to receive some messages. No artistic skills were needed. However we all managed to draw portraits which looked life like and recognisable by ourselves or the person we were working with.

We did other exercises looking at ourselves from different perspectives, our energy over our lifetime, our aura and sunsets with messangers and messages. Everyone created beautiful pictures which were meaningful to themselves.

Lifetime energy


Sunset messengers and messages

To talk to the different people in your picture, I found you had to focus at different levels – deeper in the picture or nearer to yourself. Once the focus was achieved, information just arrived as a thought, feeling, sensation or knowing. I was surprised how rapid it was. All of us achieved it from the novice to the experienced.

Irene has a lovely relaxed and happy style. With her easy to do exercises, Irene made it feel effortless to learn how to practise spirit art. I found it an uplifting day and would fully recommend trying one of Irene’s workshops.

Irene’s workshops are suitable for people who are just starting out on their spiritual journey. Equally they are good for those who are more experienced and want to explore a new way of connecting with Spirit. I would take her workshop again as life is dynamic and there is always new life guidance for us if we seek it out.

Thank you Irene for a great day. I enjoyed myself so much I will be back for another of your workshops.

Thank you to the London Spiritual Mission in Notting Hill for hosting the event. The library has such a good, nurturing feeling about it.

Interested in attending one of Irene’s workshops? Call her on 07746 820491

Alison Wem

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