Our individual life lessons do not come to us all neatly catalogued.  We must endeavour to understand what they are.  Then we can modify how we handle a challenge for a better probability of learning the lesson.

Having an awareness of the types of life lessons we address might help you
in this process.  This article is dedicated to sharing the types of life lessons I have witnessed my students grappling with in the hope that it will assist you with yours.

When I looked at my notes from interviews with students and reviewed the lessons they were learning, what jumped out at me was a repeated message that love is always with us and around us.  We are not separate individuals as perhaps we are taught, but very much connected with each other and the universe.

I have found that lessons can generally be grouped into categories.  See how the lessons that you have learned or the ones that you are still learning relate to these categories.   Do not limit yourself to these categories; you may have some additional ones.

  • Love and loving
  • Connection with others
  • Connection with universal energy through emotions
  • Retaining skills across our lives
  • Working and living with compassion
  • Guidance in learning our lessons

By way of an example below are the most common lessons which students share of having learnt or are learning.  Some of them may resonate with you.  Scan them and see what you think.  You may well have other, different, lessons that you are learning so do not feel constrained by these examples.

Love and loving;

  • I remember with love knowledge that was imparted to me with love.
  • I love someone for who they are not what they are.
  • Sometimes it’s difficult to show someone that I love them and want to please them.
  • It is important for me to trust the people I love.
  • It is important to learn to love yourself and be kind to yourself
  • The love and promises I give and receive in this life will be remembered across lives.

Connection with others;

  • I am never really alone.
  • I always have loved ones around me; I just might not recognise them.
  • In loneliness and grief I can find an inner strength.
  • Friendship is important to me.
  • I take with me into each life the essential character of my soul.

Connection with universal energy through emotions;

  • I must remember to share my journey of discovery with others to encourage them to join me.
  • I have successfully learnt how to connect with the inner me and universal energy before.
  • My questions are usually answered over time.
  • My life should be balanced with both family life and personal development.
  • I can have both family and a spiritual life.
  • My guides[1] have a personality and sense of humour.
  • This time I awaken from a 5,000 year slumber to remember who I am.

[1] Guide – a person in the Spirit world who guides and protects you.  Guides in this world would be parents, teachers and mentors.

Retaining skills across our lives;

  • Communicating my feelings in the right manner at the right time is important.
  • Working together with others providing them with my support and receiving their support in return is good.
  • Working as a team I am stronger than I am on my own.
  • Focus, concentration and practice enables me to achieve amazing things.
  • Skills learnt in a previous life can be re-used in my current life.

Working and living with compassion;

  • I must communicate well and openly to maintain good relationships with others.
  • I choose my words carefully and with consideration.
  • Sometimes I should remain silent as my views are not desired.
  • I must learn not to dictate and be too pushy and to give people time to assimilate my message.
  • I need to allow other people to make their own decisions about their lives.
  • I must continually practise good communication to improve human interaction.
  • I can build a new life even from very difficult circumstances.
  • I must be receptive to change to assess what feel right and to adopt the good elements.
  • Beautiful buildings can provide me with a space of peace and harmony.

Guidance in learning our lessons;

  • My life is for living and enjoying. Joy is good.
  • Working through a challenge I face is often more rewarding than walking away from it.
  • There is often a lesson for me to learn in the tragic events that I experience.
  • Whatever I miss or do not get right in this life, I will get a chance to try again in another life.
  • Challenges often help me to learn a lesson about what I will allow to happen to me.
  • It is important to be flexible in life and embrace the challenges it throws at me.
  • I might believe that I have learned a lesson but I will likely  check in a later life if this is true.
  • A lesson learnt transcends the lives I lead.
  • Reactions and emotions in my life which may seem irrational can be rooted in experiences from previous lives.
  • Experiences in one life can create anxieties in another.
  • When my behaviours in this life shocks or baffles me, it might relate back to a previous life.
  • I do not always remember the full detail of a life but I may remember cultures, places, trades etc.
  • The hurt and anger at the pointless loss of my son in a previous life re-surfaced in this life with great ferocity. It was only because I challenged why this anger was so strong that I learnt of the previous life.
  • All of my attempts to improve myself and my life are good and should be encouraged.

All efforts to find out who you are and where you are going are rewarding and worthwhile.

Love to you in your journey of self discovery and personal development.

Alison Wem

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.

Alison Wem

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