In many cultures and communities, men are the leaders at work and at home. They earn a living for the family and have more limited involvement in rearing the children. Of course much of this is changing but it is not ubiquitous yet.

Recently a 55-year-old man from a traditional mining community confided to me he decided not to follow the traditional male role and to express his appreciation of the benefits that mindfulness brought him.  He is a grandfather and decided not to work so hard so he could be more involved with his grandchildren. He wished he had done it with his own children.

Being mindful gave him the strength to do what he felt was right for him and not what his culture dictated.  On Facebook he sought out and posted on his timeline beautiful posts on being in touch with your own feelings. His circle of male friends laughed at him. However several took him to one side and said they felt the same.  They admired his courage to go against the norm and asked him to keep posting.

No our men are not going soft. They are being honest to themselves. Who are women to say their menfolk should not respect themselves and do what they feel is right.

It only takes one person to start the tide of change and others will follow.

Book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship.  Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.