Group Class – via Zoom
Spiritual Development
6 week evening course to gain more insight into yourself, your soul family and where your life is going. Commences on the 14th October 2020 via Zoom. No problem if you have missed the start date. Just make contact with Alison so she can prepare for you joining.
Book now £10 per session pay-as-you-go
Individual Sessions with Alison Wem
Private appointment – Soul Map reading
Receive a Soul Map reading from Alison Wem to help with the key messages your ‘inner you’ is trying to share with you. Sessions held using Skype or face to face in London. You will need to choose a template, colour it before the session and send it to Alison. Book here
Private appointment – Psychic Medium sitting
Enjoy a psychic medium sitting with Alison for messages to guide your life. Sessions held using video call or face to face in London. Book here
Private appointment – Soul Map techniques
Progress through the Your Soul Family exercises and techniques at a pace that suits you. Sessions held using video call or face to face in London. Book here
Private On-line Soul Map reading 
If location or a video call does not suit you, why not go for an on-line Soul Map reading. Alison will send you the templates to choose from and you can either colour it or let her know what colours suit you. Alison will send you a written reading via email. Book here
Your Soul Family Publications
Colourful and easy-to-follow steps for creating your first Soul Map – Creating Your Soul Map
Go deeper in creating your Soul Map. Try Alison’s exercises to add more insight and meaning. The second half of the book is a discussion on life and life lessons we are all learning. Finding Your Soul Family
Workshops – suspended due to Covid-19
Soul Map Taster Sessions
Take an afternoon to yourself to try colouring your soul map and receiving a soul map reading for intuitive life guidance.
Creating Your Soul Map Workshop
Are you looking to feel more connected to those you love? Or perhaps you want to feel more alive, vibrant and healthy? Or maybe you are simply looking to find a deeper meaning or richness to your life?
Understand the bigger picture of your life: Discover your Soul community
Soul families live in soul communities. This workshop guides you in producing a picture of your soul community. A pure treat for yourself with relaxing painting.
Your Life Revealed: Easy to follow steps to create your Soul Map
Explore your inner wisdom to guide where you are going with your life.

Pre-book a Soul Map Reading at the Big Purple Psychic & Holistic Fair, Chessington, Surrey
Make sure you secure a session with Alison by pre-booking. The fair runs on Sunday 23rd February, 7th June and 11th October. Book here
Any questions or would you like a chat? Contact Alison mobile: 07966 137568 mail: