For many of us today is the first day back at work. How did you get on with ensuring you got 15 minutes downtime? If you have not managed it, there is still time this evening – perhaps a lovely bath or listening to a favourite piece of music.

Do remember this time is for you and should not be done alongside a task like making dinner….

Here is another suggestion for relaxation   – eat a meal at a table with a friend, colleague or loved one.

Humans are social beings and have greater feelings of well-being when they feel more connected to others. As you are sitting it helps your body to move out of the ‘fight or flight’ mode and your digestion improves. You will be inclined to eat less which helps all of us who are watching our weight.

Be kind to yourself – learn to relax

Alison Pooley-Wem – life coach, author and leadership consultant, MBCS CITP, former Business Transformation Director, IT Director, Programme Director who led major transformation programmes for corporate and multi-national organisations such as Amey PLC, Christies. News UK.

Alison is married with five grown-up children. Many of the techniques in her ‘leading yourself’ coaching and courses are based on her life experiences in her professional and family life. She retains a calmness and clarity enabling her to assess the right things to do.

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