This 10 minute exercise helps to change your mindset to a more positive outlook.

You will need to keep a pad and pen by your bed. Here are the easy-to-do steps to do before you go to sleep;

1. Write down 3 things that went well today. They can be large or small. It may be as simple as you got a seat on the train to work or your child …. 
slept through the night for the first time. Wow!

2. Reflect on each of these items and enjoy them again.

3. Say ‘thank you’ for them.

By doing this simple exercise you start to shift your mind into a different pattern before you go to sleep.  Do it for a week and you will start to see that you wake up in a more positive mindset and to feel greater satisfaction with your life. Work life will feel manageable. Your relaxation level will be more appropriate through your day with peaks and troughs rather than always at the ‘fight or light’ level.

Do give it a try. Drop me a comment on how it went for you.

Be kind to yourself – learn to relax